Chapter VII

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"Masquerade, paper faces on parade, masquerade! Look around there's another mask behind you!"  Voices sang around us, as laughter filled the opera house, and merriment took over everyone's hearts.

"Christine, look," Erik said, pointing to the conductor and his mask, quite uncharacteristic of him.

I giggled and held onto Erik's bent elbow, smiling into his jacket. It wasn't long before everyone was dancing and singing to Erik's compositions.

Before I knew it, I was whisked away to a private balcony, the stars and fire-works shining brightly into the New Year's sky.

It had been six months since I began to stay with Erik, and I had finally told him I loved him. Madame Giry was rather happy with me, and she assumed that everything would be alright from here on. Erik loved me dearly, and my doubts were evanescent more and more every day. He assured me that I was the one he loved all the time.

"Christine, it's been six months since we started courting, and I have a question for you."

I nodded, smiling brightly as he held my hands at arm's length.

"Anything, Erik, I proabably have an asnwer."

He smiled, glancing to his left as if nervous. I wasn't sure of what until he knelt down to one knee and pulled a velvet box from his masquerade costume pocket.

"Will you marry me, Christine Daaé? I shall never love another woman as long as I live, and no one would even give me a second glance if it weren't for you."

He plucked the ring from it's encasings, and my jaw remained tightly knit. I had no words, and anything I could say would come out like I was illiterate. This would be one of the happiest days of my life, and in that moment, it was definitely the first. 

He looked at me with pleading, golden eyes and held up the ring. 

"Yes?" He wondered even more nervously, making me aware I had yet to answer him.

"Yes," I choked, tears clutching my voice from saying any other words.

He jumped to his feet and shoved the perfect ring on my finger, crashing me into an embrace. I could only smile as his arm arms held to me, for the moment couldn't have been anymore perfect.

Raoul had practically told me we were getting engaged, so this was definitely a warm surprsie.

"You belong to me," he added warmly. It wasn't like the first time he had said it, no, it was moreover disbelief. I was his now, but that fact astonished him.

When he pulled away, he took my left hand and stared longingly at it for a while, kissing it after he had had enough of knowing I had accepted his proposal.

We returned to the party to find Madame Giry approaching us, Meg right by her side. She was still young, then, and maybe only a year my junior.

"Christine," she remarked, eyeing the ring on my hand.

"We're engaged!" I said, motioning to Erik and I with my left hand, giving it to her to examine.

"I knew it was only a matter of time..."

"Congratulations Christine, but you've never introduced us," Meg suddenly said, happy, but wondering why I hadn't said anything.

"I'm sorry. I just assumed that... oh, anyway, this is Erik Destler, and Erik this is Meg Giry, the Madame's daughter."

He took Meg's hand and kissed it gently, knowing Madame Giry was watching. They already knew each other, so I need not introduce the two of them.

"Wonderful job, Erik, I owe you a few francs," Madame Giry said, reaching into her pockets.

"You gambled on my answer?" I asked the two of them.

I was far more surprised at Madame Giry, who was eyeing me with a secretive grin.

"She forced me, really, but Antoinette usually loses bets..." Erik bantered as he happily pocketed his new earnings. I scoffed and realized he had called the Madame by her name. I didn't know they were that friendly. Maybe only now since things were alright here.

"I do," she addmitted, making Meg and I giggle. "Except when I challenge ballet, then I certainly win."

"Correct, I wouldn't know the first thing about it, she's gotten me back a few times over a show."

I rolled my eyes, but it was certainly a bad idea as I caught a glimpse of Raoul on my eyes' travel.

"Erik," I whispered, jerking my head to the way Raoul was.

"He's coming over, dear, just be civil," he said, confused as to why I wished not to see him.

I had avoided him successfuly since now, and even as I performed these past few months, we always happened to miss one-another. I couldn't make it to the dinners he was able to, and he was not in attendance when I would sit happily and dine with the managers.

"We'll be off then," Madame Giry said tensely, dragging Meg away from us and into the dancing crowd.

"Christine," Raoul said in a straight, indifferent tone.

"Vicomte," I replied, turning around and pushing my hair behind my ear in embarrassment. I completely forgot in that moment that I had just gotten engaged, and my ring was far too large to miss.

"You've gotten engaged," he said, a rigid and astonished tone capturing his usual smoothness. The surprise in his eyes was utterly consuming, and it made me quake with fear at what he was capable of.

"Yes, to... Monsieur Destler," I stuttered, moving out from in front of Erik and pointing to the gentleman who supportingly held my waist.

"Monsieur le Vicomte, it is an honor," Erik stated, offering his hand in peace to Raoul. He simply ignored the gesture and turned to me. Erik had been told of Raoul and I's past, but he seemed not to care and agreed he would be civil so I could keep him in my life. I was surprised, but he knew I belonged to him. For Erik would always be Erik no matter what I did to change time.

"Why, Christine? You never gave me a chance."

"You didn't need one," I growled, putting myself back in front of Erik defensively. I loved this man and there was nothing Raoul could say to make me think otherwise. But Erik would certainly retract his pact on neutrality if he didn't watch his words.

His chest was rising and falling heavily, each breath he took more labored than the last. Tears were falling down my face, seeping into the thin fabric of my mask. Erik had on his casual, white mask, but of course, no one knew who he was. He hadn't made any appearances since he dropped the stage-piece on Carlotta. People just asumed the opera ghost just wished Carlotta gone.

"I'm sorry, Monsieur," he said suddenly, apologizing directly to Erik. "I am out of place, Enjoy." He added menacingly, giving me a cross glance before abandoning Erik and I.

"I see why you avoid his presence," Erik said with discontent. "He is most unpleasant."

"He is," I agreed, taking away from the thoughts in my head and leading Erik to the dance floor once again.

I was going to enjoy this night despite whatever Raoul was trying to do, and believe me, I knew he was up to something.

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