Chapter V

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The managers shoved a bottle in my face, and I couldn't help but accept the first thing they gave me so they would not attempt to bribe me with anymore gifts. Sometimes I almost favored being the pageboy as elaborate costumes were tightened so tightly I couldn't breathe properly. I was experienced, yes, but this was torture.

Madame Giry had left me alone in the room, wondering how I was going to evade Raoul until Erik and I could just get away. Maybe, if he never wished to leave, I could live with him and simply avoid life here all together. I still wished to work, not doing that had been torture as well, so I would. I had no doubt in my mind Erik would still want me to sing, and to be the star of any stage I was allowed upon. 

I hoped he was there tonight. Almost as if on cue, he called to me, something he hadn't done the first time around.

"Christine, Christine," he murmured in his musical timber.

"Erik," I baded.

"Tonight, after the opera in which I wish you the absolute best, come with me for a while, and I will apologize for my earlier words in person."

"My door is locked from the inside. Come through the looking glass," I pleaded.

A sweet chuckle emitted through the air as he denied me seeing him.

"Tonight, Christine, perform for me."

"With my very soul."

I could hear him nod in satisfaction. At least, I hoped he was satisfied with me... who was I kidding, the man loved me.

A knock came to my door, alerting me that I had to be on-stage. On the way out, I saw Meg smiling re-assuringly, Madame Giry doing her hair for the act in the last few seconds we had.

It felt strange, singing the parts I did, and then no interruptions at all as the opera flew smoothly by. There was no need for any of us to worry over death, nor did I have to worry about Erik finding me... I had to worry over him not wishing to.

My mind was doubtful, as I sang through the many parts of the opera. What happened if somehow things played out the same? What if Erik didn't love me as much this time around because I was attainable? I was no longer the forbidden fruit that he so delicately plucked from the tree in the Garden of Eden during Don Juan. There was no Vicomte fighting for my love on the other hand of Erik's possession. I tried to reason with my mind, saying that he loved me all the years he taught me, and that many years of love weren't for nothing.

"Erik?" I asked the moment everyone let me off the stage. I couldn't feel him, and of course, I was disconcerted to discover him missing.

"Mademoiselle Daaé?" I heard from my door.

He knew I would have visitors. His presence was so strong in the theatre I almost stared at his box several times.

"Yes, Monsieur?"

"Well," they said, revolving the door knob until they had both masqueraded into my room.

"Please, do come in," I mutered under my breath, their money-filled ears not hearing an utterance.

"How would you like to be Prima Donna permanently?"

I blinked a few times to clear my head at their proposition. They wished for me to permanently replace Carlotta. I was sure everyone would be thrilled for me, but there was just one problem. Raoul. I would be forced to be civil and see him at almost every social event. I wish Erik understood why I couldn't stand to be in his presence. I wish there was more I could tell everyone, except the Madame of course, she knew everything.

"Permanently, me?" I stuttered.

"Yes, you. Crowds are flocking to the opera with you as our lead, and for a circumstantial opportunity, you should no longer be an in or out. We have such profits, Mademoiselle Daaé, I assure you it will make your career. The first Prima Donna to have come from her own opera house."

They were right, you know, most women started at different opera houses and auditioned at others to secure positions. Fame grew and there you went, off into a beautiful career. This is what Erik always wanted for me, and he knew I could handle this... He'd put me only in situations I could handle, and had I known that when I was sixteen the first time, who knows where I would be right now.

"Alright, Monsieur, I accept your offer, but I want this dressing room in specific," I said, motioning to the previous Prima Donna's room. Usually they chose a new one for the women, but I knew Erik could reach me here. That was all I really wanted.

"As you wish, but we shall remodel for you."

"No need, I like pink," I said shuddering. I didn't actually enjoy pink this much, but I was sure I could adapt to my situation. I could slip through the mirror and sleep in my suitor's swan bed...



They chuckled in a money-crazed laugh. After I had signed some random paper, they let me alone where I could finally feel Erik's presence loom closer.

"Brava, Mademoiselle Prima Donna," Erik's voice rang through the room.

"Thank you, Monsieur Opera Ghost."

The mirror slid open, allowing Erik to peer into the room, his mask firmly set in place. There was no other way to describe it, as he looked so handsome I could have melted. It was amazing how much he changed. Or, didn't change at all. When I saw him in New York, he was the same man, mask, stern visage, and the loving barrier protecting and threatening my every movement.

"Come with me?" He offered hesitantly, extending a hand to me as I stared at him blankly.

It took me a moment to understand that I had this option for once. I could go with him and finally start the life I had imagined with a man I loved so very deeply. I felt sorry that he had the hesitancy in his voice, but I took his gloved hand firmly and pulled myself through the threshold between our worlds, giving in to his darkness.

I thrived in the darkness, but only with him right beside me.

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