Chapter VIII

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"Quite a passionate opera, no Mademoiselle Daaé?" Firmin asked as I proposed Erik's opera to him.

"It is like nothing we have ever offered to an audience here at the opera house," André added.

Yes, quite unlike as this is real music.

I could hear Erik chorusing the opinion in my mind, as it was my own thought as well.

"By that fiancé of yours?" Firmin assured for what had to be the third time.

"Yes, and if it so pleased you, as I am Prima Donna, I would appreciate the role of Amnita."

The managers scoffed, handing me the leather-bound score.

"As if it were questioned, but we still doubt the fitting of this particular opera."

I smirked, but tried to hide the obvious fact. The managers were rather dim-witted men, and I was sure this was slowly seeping into their skulls. At least Erik wasn't threatening them to accomplish this.

"So, my fiancé would be rather pleased. He's agreed to make a handsome donation..." I finally added.

Erik had allowed me to offer this donation, I did not in anyway throw money around that was not mine. Besides, he knew the mangers liked to grovel.

"Deal. Don Juan plays in six weeks."

I smiled cheerfully and padded away from the office, slipping into the Prima Donna room.

I clicked the door shut and began to undress until I turned around and saw the visitor in my room. He'd hid behind the opening door, like some idiotic spy. 

"Oh my, Raoul," I stuttered, immediately clasping the buttons back together.

"No, please go on," he said darkly.

It wasn't until I was pressed against the wall did I discover that he was highly intoxicated from what smelled to be wine.

Had he devoured a whole bottle?

The stench was pungent, and as my heart hammered against my chest, I tried to ignore everything. The way he pressed my wrists into the door, and the way his eyes racked over my body like I was some harlot.

"Raoul, please, don't squeeze so tight."

I shuddered at the words, realizing what had escaped from my lips. I'd said the same things in the future, when Raoul was grasping my wrist in lieu of his discovery of Erik. The pain was only increasing though.

"Raoul!" I cried pathetically.

In one quick flash, I was lying on the floor as Erik pushed Raoul out of the room, locking the door behind him. I'm sure he hoped that the handle hit him on the way out.

"Christine, are you alright? I'm so sorry," Erik muttered apologies. "I only just got here when I saw him holding you down...."

I shook my head and smiled just to have him there. I was slightly worried, as I could feel bruises forming, but they'd fade by my performance day.

"I am just fine, Raoul was inebriated beyond recognition."

"That is no excuse for the vile behavior he showcased to you."

If only I had known that he was like such when I married him. Raoul had always been the boy who fetched my scarf when I was younger. I couldn't believe that I had loved him over that.

"Well, I am going to survive, so if you please, I must change and we can head down."

Erik nodded and put himself in front of my dressing curtain, allowing me to change. Slipping into a comfortable gown, I threw the formal one to meet the managers over the paper curtain's top.

"You're going to be making that donation, for reference."

"Ah, squandering away what little money I have?"

"As if, Erik you received twenty-thousand francs a month for years, and to add a note, you requested I make that offer."

"If you insist, darling."

I scoffed as I chose shoes to put on.

I finished with shoes and put half of my curls into a ribbon's hold, just to get it out of my face. Appearing from behind the curtain, I smiled as Erik did. He held out his hand and we then slipped through the mirror down to the catacombs.

I was humming lightly as each and every note filled my head, every step I took in beat with the melody.


I looked at Erik and furrowed my eyebrows.

"What is it?"

"The song your voice was producing, I've never heard such. What was it?"

Humming again, my eyes widened at realization of what just occurred. I had been humming the song I sang ending my marriage, indirectly ending my life. Well, the first time I had tried my life.

"It is nothing," I rushed quickly, almost inaudible. He would know his own imprint on a song and wonder how I simply created something in my mind that sounded like his work.

"Christine, why so upset? Are you thinking that I shall be disappointed in you if you mind another composer? I shan't be if you're worried."

I could have laughed if Erik were the one I knew before this situation. I truly thought he could have discerned himself in that melody. 

"I was," I said regardless. I felt bad for lying, but I was not going to say that it was composed by him in the future. What would he think of me? He'd either send me to an asylum or he would call me foolish... like Raoul had done when I tried to tell him of Erik the first time. He'd even gotten a letter from my angel of music, and yet he refused to believe that I had been down to his home.

"Well, no need. Heed me, Christine, I even find other composers competent sometimes. Enjoy yourself."

Sometimes I could hardly believe the conversations we had, as this was certainly a case to prove such knowledge.


I stopped humming Love Never Dies, though. Maybe he would forget it ever happened. I would just have to make sure my sub conscience wouldn't pull me into a huge mess. If Erik ever found out I had manipulated our future... I didn't know what fury I could release.

I would assume he would be happy, but that meant little, as Erik was a prideful man. There was little I could say to sway him, and I was honestly surprised that I was able to "enjoy myself" in the realms of other composers.

"I'll make you dinner," Erik determined, leaving me in the main room and kissing my cheek.

"Nothing special!"

He chuckled heartily causing me to smile. Life was so simple and perfect, for there were so many times I regretted previous life choices. How had I been so ignorant?

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