Chapter XII

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I went to sleep after Erik was already resting that night, as when I returned, his calm form was already in our comforting and warm bed. I also awoke before him the next morning, as I slept little in lieu of my discovery, and Meg's. I imagine he wasn't too pleased at what had occurred, but I am sure his opera would enjoy many more successes.

"Good morning, my love," Erik greeted as he placed a hand on my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.

I had tea in my hand, watching his solid movements, each and every one as sure and confident as the last. I really did love this man, and for that I was thankful.

"Good morning, I know yesterday was ruined, but I do hope you enjoyed it," I asked quickly.

A small smile traced his lips as I earned a curt nod, "Ruined, yes, but you were spectacular for the duration of your performance."

"I was trying my very best," I gloated proudly.

"And it's more then necessary, for you are perfect without ever trying to be so," Erik commended, kissing me swfitly on the lips.

His mask was off again, and I realized that he was far more comfortable now. It was a wonderful gesture, for him to keep it off for me, for it meant he trusted me. Of course, I was going to marry him so I hoped he trusted me. I hadn't earned his trust the first time, but he still begged for me over and over, but just now was I realizing why he did so. Meg had told me I could do whatever to him, within limits, and he would still love me... I had done the unthinkable to a man, and yet when I left and returned he loved me as if it had never hapened. And he left me like it had... That was what I feared the most, I assumed, that threat looming over my head he would leave me again. If he did, I would not be as strong as I was last time... I had a taste of joy and there was no way in hell I was ever to let it go. My heart couldn't handle dying... again.

"Thank you, Erik, you mean the world to me, you know, every single inch of this earth is nothing compared to your love."

He furrowed his eyebrows, but smiled quickly, enjoying that I had given him what he so often handed me. Compliment after compliment, I felt he deserved it.

"Well, you are generous this morning, no, Christine? What did young Meg have to say of her sickness on another note?"

"She's alright, just had a bit of a memory hit her is all. She fainted pretty badly and then we talked for a while."

"Anything interesting?"

Quite, but in no way was I going to tell Erik that.

"No, Erik, but I found it nice to speak with my friend for a short time."

"Short time, I doubt it, Christine you were with her for hours," Erik exaggerated.

"I may have been late in the slightest bit, do not punish me over such trifle business."

"I shan't Chrisitne," Erik said softly, "I just worry that you go away and may never return."

"I worry, too, to keep you privy. I am constantly concerned you shall find another who happens to breathe more kindness than me. I love you too much for you to leave my presence let alone my heart."

Erik got up from his chair in which he seated himself in. Lifting me suddenly, we were swinging through the air as he kissed me happily, but rather sloppily.

"You are insane, Erik!" I said as he spun me one last time, sealing my statement with a kiss.

"And it is your love that makes it so," he said breifly before another kiss was planted on my lips.

I realized at this strange time I had yet to visit my father. I had stopped mourning long ago over my father lost to the skies. Many a year ago that was, as I had to remember I was not exactly seventeen. I was much older than that, and my heart swelled at the mere thought of being a different person. Who I was is never who I wished to be again, that naïve little girl. I pitied her, honeslty, as I stood in her body, a woman who had experienced childbirth, love and abuse, pity and grief. To think, last night should have been the night Erik sent me away with Raoul... Only a week before we were supposed to have created Gustave.

My poor thoughts were weak as I ran through every single track on my train of thought.

"Christine?" Erik asked, breaking me from the trance I had delved into.

"I apologize, I was lost in thought."

"Beg not, Christine, I find your thoughtful face a sight for sore eyes."

"You find beauty in me not any other time?" I teased, causing him to look frightened for a moment. He recovered and smirked.

"I shall play your game, Christine Daaé."

"Mhm, play you will, but win you shall not."

I backed away from him and watched as his eyes turned lustful, each and every pace he took looming closer and closer to my body. I reached the end of the sofa we were seated on and placed my backside down, Erik finally over me, his smile vsible on both sides of his face, no mask in sight.

"I think," Erik started before placing a kiss to my neck, "that I have won your trivial child's play."

I snuck my legs out from under his, unnoticed by him, and swung them over the side of the sofa allowing me to slip away from him. He chuckled as I fell on the floor and stood, prancing away from him in a proud manner.

"I think you have lost Monsieur."

"What do you get for winning, Mademoiselle?" He asked cockily.

"I get to be ravished by my fiancé."

His eyes darkened and his twisted lip curled into a grin.

"I would rather enjoy such a loss."

He followed me into our bedroom where he kissed me until lunch came and we decided to start our day.

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