Chapter IX

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The performance loomed over my head in one, single week. There was so much anticipation for it, and what else could I do but worry?

I mean, Erik had no need to ruin the performance, but I knew a few people who did. Carlotta and Piangi for example, though we hadn't seen them in forever, I still remained concerned, or simply Raoul. He was who I was concerned about the most of all. We hadn't any incidents such as before, yet the whole thing loomed over Erik and I's head whether we admitted to it or not.

Bruises had faded away, and Erik was glad to see that. We'd even discussed wedding plans after the performances were through. Whether Don Juan played only a few nights or stood on popular demand, I wouldn't care. I was a little surprised with how okay Erik was taking all of this, yet he had no reason for being timid.

"Erik, we should converse over the wedding," I said that evening.

"How so?"

"Well, what do you want for sure?"

Erik thought for a few moments, a contemplative look on his face. He then moved away from his piano and sat next to me, taking my hand, placing a delicate kiss to it. He always handled me as if I was china, determined to break at the slightest touch.

"I wish only for your presence and your lips to mumble 'I do.'"

I kissed him, right there, taking precautions that I didn't jar his mask away. If I had, he would not have been rather pleased. I'd yet to folly over his mask, and I hadn't asked it of him to remove it. It didn't feel right as of now, and in all honesty, I haven't seen it in about eleven years.

"What shall I wear?" I asked softly, removing my lips from him.

"Yes," he replied.

"What does that insinuate?" I giggled like a school girl who was being courted for the first time. In Erik's mind I guess I really was being courted for the first time.

"Wear whatever you wish, darling."

Our faces were still close, and I went to kiss him again when Erik took a glance over his left shoulder.

"What is the matter?"

"Madame Giry," he said softly to me, standing up to fix his suit as the ballet mistress herself walked in. I guess his ears were still a little more tuned in than mine were, though they were better than they once had been. 

"Christine, Erik," she baded softly.


"Madame," I replied as I was very much still under her instruction.

She had an unreadable expression on her face, and I was highly concerned at what she had come all the way down here for.

"Christine, I must speak with you... alone."

Erik furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Yes, Madame" I replied, lightly touching Erik's arm before I went to speak with Madame Giry.

I followed her all the way to the surface, and wondered why she was doing this until I remembered Erik could hear almost everything. That meant this was bad news.

When she led me to her room, I wasn't expecting to be met with an elder-looking Raoul, one who's eyes had sunk from drinking for a week straight, and whose demeanor looked sore and desperate.

"Madame de Chagny."

I knew then why Madame Giry had called me here. It didn't make me feel any better, though.

"When did your mind trigger the memory?"

He scoffed and lifted what I was sure was water to his lips. For years I had smelled every liquor known to man, and just then I hadn't a single whiff of it.

"Just this morning, Christine. Did you know you were dead?" He asked with concern. "Your fiancé, held you and took my son, Christine. But our son belonged not to me but to that man. He looked at me with regret and forgiveness, maybe pity, I wasn't sure, but he gave you to me. He loved you. I haven't a clue as to where I wish to end what I am saying, but Christine, I find myself apologizing. I took your love when it didn't belong to me."

Kneeling before me, Raoul took both of my hands and placed a kiss to each, something Erik had done but moments ago.

"Please, I beg your pardon on my unfortunate entitlement."

I hadn't a clue what to say since Raoul had hardly ever apologized or spoken in such a confusing and disorganized way. When he came to me and begged I leave with him in Coney, I knew I couldn't and it wasn't because I promised Erik I would sing. He groveled at my feet with un-returned love in his eyes. Our love was based on little more than attraction as young children which shouldn't ever be a thing people do.

"I forgive you," I said quietly, almost hating Madame Giry for putting me in this position, yet it had to be done.

"Does this mean Erik and Meg will remember?" I asked hesitantly.

"Erik?" Raoul asked with confusion as he stood from the ground and brushed his trousers off.

"Yes, my fiancé," I replied, now playing with the ring encircling my ring-finger.

"Noted," Raoul said in reply as he looked at Madame Giry for an answer.

"I haven't a clue, but as they were the most effected by it... It is a gamble in which we will all have to be weary of. Monsieur le Vicomte, I am highly regarding you in this statement. Do not in whatever way you can fathom trigger Monsieur Erik Destler." 

Raoul gulped at the harsh tone Madame Giry was using to direct him, but he nodded nonetheless leaving me speechless.

After everything settled, I was walking back to my dressing room with Raoul by my side.

"Do you miss Gustave?"

"Do you?" I replied with a hint of sadness gracing my kind voice.

"I do, but I am not his father, you as his mother should exhibit far more pain than I."

"You were his father for ten years."

Raoul shook his head, looking ashamed. I may not have wanted him to remember, but there was little I could do, and he was a better person this way, so I guess it wasn't too much of a loss.

"I was no father, Christine. I was horrid."

I couldn't quite disagree, yet I wasn't in favor of agreeing either.

"Go home to your fiancé, and don't let me get in the way. You will have your son again, I'm sure."

"I just hope he isn't listening," I replied, glancing to my room that I had finally approached.

Raoul smiled and before turning away, placed a tender hand to my shoulder.

"I shall always love you Little Lotte."

"Goodnight, Monsieur le Vicomte."

"Mademoiselle Daaé."

I went through the doors to my dressing room and squeezed through the mirror, excited to return to the man who had always held my heart. God forbid he remembered one day.

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