Chapter IV

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When I did return aboveground, I had Madame Giry pacing in Meg and I's dorm.

"Are you alright?" She asked, completely ignoring the fact that I had walked through the door in the same clothes I changed into last night.


She raised an eyebrow, and I knew then that she had always known more than we told her. The Madame knew Erik. Of course, it was obvious, the man delivered his letters to her awaiting clutches.Only now I knew more than she did, and the satisfaction of my knowledge suddenly came pouring back as it had been in the lair. 

"He didn't..."

I squinted my eyes at Madame Giry, catching the hint of jealousy and alertness in her eyes. They'd always been stern and forgoing at the opera not... Defensive.

"You know," I muttered miraculously, not in any way sounding as though I had answered her unfinished question.

She looked taken aback, holding a hand over her heart. I couldn't fathom what she was thinking then.

"I know not of which you speak," she hissed. Her skirts followed her to the door in a black swoop, but I was quicker.

Standing in front of the locked door, I held the handle and glared at her.

"Christine Daaé."

"Madame Giry you seemed to have mistaken me for someone else. Last time we met I was a Vicomtess."

I sincerely prayed that Erik couldn't hear me. If he was listening to our conversation, then her and I would have much explaining to do.

"And where's the bastard child?"

I knew it!

"He's a boy, and as you very well know, he has yet to be born."

"Watch your tongue," she said pointedly.

The Madame closed her eyes and held out her hands by her sides in what looked like surrender. I couldn't be sure with Madame Giry any longer, though, as I held suspicions now. I hated being suspicious, it made me flighty. 

"I'm sorry to get off on the wrong foot."

I didn't know if her apology was sincere, but she was definitely apologizing for more than just that.

"I understand. But Madame, why just us?"

She shook her head and sat down, wondering why to herself as well.

"It is simply us, yes?" She asked, masking whatever it was she was hiding. The Madame was always hiding something. "Nobody else you have discovered?"

"Meg hasn't a clue, and Erik, the poor thing, is confused as to why I almost already love him "

"Love never dies," she muttered, sifting through something in one of Meg's drawers. She'd backed away to straighten out Meg's poor bed-making skills, and she arranged a few other things.

"I'm sorry, if it is any consolation at all." I felt the apology was necessary on my side as well, if only for my own ease of conscience.

"That is very kind of you, but I am afraid it is my guilt and greed that have given us insight as such."

I looked into my lap and twirled my thumbs around, forgetting about the long hours I had enjoyed doing nothing here but listening to Madame tell stories and Erik sing songs in my ear.

"When did you get your previous memory, you seemed fine at rehearsal?" I wondered curiously, knowing how many times my curiosity had gotten me into trouble. This seemed a safe inquiry however. 

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