Chapter XVII

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Dinner was momentarily, and Erik was pacing in our sitting room, trying desperately to calm himself. Meg and Raoul would be here in moments.

"They are coming for supper, not to inspect your soul, Erik I beg you relax."

He walked behind me and began to massage my shoulders, roughly, but it felt wonderful nonetheless. Erik did this for a while before he calmed down and sat next to me. I was almost disappointed when he did, but he kissed me deeply as his final act to cool down.

"This shall go well," he muttered to himslef mostly, but I know he needed to do it.

"It shall."

A knock was heard and I looked to see Meg and Raoul walk in, holding on to one-another. It was my turn to feel weary. As if Erik read my thoughts, he came behind me and held onto my upper arms peering over my shoulder.

"Welcome, dinner is ready as long as you are," he spoke confidently.

"Thank you," Meg replied, obviously the calm one between Raoul and herself.

"Follow us," I mustered, reaching for the words deep in my throat that just wouldn't come out.

"Lead the way."

Turning out of Erik's warm grasp, I walked away and fled to the dining area, seating myself as the others did, leaving formality in its lonely corner.

"This looks wonderful," Raoul happened to comment as we served the food, myself to him, and Erik to Meg.

"I tried my hardest, Vicomte."

Raoul looked at Erik and furrowed his eyebrows.

"If I had cooked we would have starved," I jested lightly, hoping to clear the tension that already was created.

"I would have known that not," Raoul replied casually.

"Niether would I," Meg said happily, oblivious to the situtation in front of her.

"Yes, I asked her to make a morning meal, and I was sorely mistaken," Erik added.

"Well, I never," I replied flustered that he even mentioned that day.

Raoul and Meg laughed equally as I hit my fiancé with my napkin, huffing all the while.

"I find she makes wonderful tea, though. Is that well enough for you, darling?" Erik chided, tapping me on the nose.

I rolled my eyes and dug into the food, distracting myself from the laughter around me. I guess I could spare my pride for one night if it allowed them all to get along.

"I agree, actually. Christine does make good tea, I would send her to the kitchens at night to do so when we were up because of some fantasy that plagued our minds," Meg defended me causing me to smile.

"Thank you," I said, laboring the words so Erik and Raoul would stop their snickering. "Eat, you insufferable men."

Meg nearly spit out her drink when I said that, causing us both to laugh uncontrollably, Erik and Raoul now flustered and upset. It was a few minutes before we were all finally calmed down and holding civil conversation.

"When exactly did this meeting of yours occur? How did the two of you start off I should say?" I asked, wanting to sate my nosy mind.

"Well," Meg caught the conversation first, "After the meeting where you told us to be cautious of Erik finding out, later that night, we ran into one-another and went out for a friendly time... It was far more than friendly. I do not know if it was out of habit, but he kissed me when we said goodbye and it sort of stuck."

"It was because I wanted to, actually," Raoul admitted on my right, looking at his plate with an adorable smile.

"I wish you both the best," Erik suddenly delcared on my left, raising Raoul's head from shame, causing Meg to widen her eyes, and me to smile. I always knew he could be civil with him. Had I lived in Coney, this wold have happened, Raoul and Erik sitting down and talking. I don't think I could have stolen Raoul out of Gustave's life.

"Thank you," they replied in unison, deisbelif still gracing their features and voice.

"Myself as well. I have never met two more-deserving people."

Erik cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow next to his mask. I just rolled my eyes, determining to tell him later that I meant for each other. Erik was certainly most deserving of receiving love in general.

"Jealous?" Raoul teased, looking at Erik over his nose trying to hide the smirk that was on his visage.

"While you have a beautiful woman at your side, I find myself in as little jealousy over you than a bush is over your hair."

"Going after the hair, I'll just have to accept defeat," Raoul replied and threw his fork down as if it were a weapon of some sort.

"You shall, for there is no reprieve with it."

The men both chuckled as Meg and I tossed worried glances. We both knew Raoul could have gone after the mask... and we both know what could have happened... but it didn't. And I wasn't too sure about their laughter at first, but I eventually allowed a smile to grace my lips.

I felt like there was always that concern someone would snap during supper, and it did feel monotonous. There was always a concern when someone said something it would trip the very calm essence we created. It never came, though, and I guess for that I was thankful beyond belief.

When we were saying our good-byes, Raoul leaned in from our handshake and said something that I didn't expect to hear from him.

"I wouldn't mind, too terribly, if this happened again."

Everything went on as normal from then on, and people said their good-byes, but I couldn't believe what Raoul had said still. Even as the night was taking over the catacombs, and Erik was resting in bed beside me, I found myself baffled.

"Could you believe what Raoul said to me?"

"Mhm?" Erik asked, myself obviously have woken him up from a very quick nod of his head.

"He told me he would enjoy another dinner. With you!"

"Wonderful, Christine," Erik mumbled, turning away from me with the sheets going with him.

"Can't you see," I argued, following him to his side, "He likes you."

"And I like him, go to sleep," he replied angrily.

I pried him over and rested on his chest, taking that for an answer. I didn't want to pry into their friendly relationship, or whatever it was.

"I love you."

"I love you as well," Erik replied groggily, his voice weakening my very resistance. "Now sleep, Christine."

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