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Today was the day I had been dreading for a rather long time now, ten years of worry to be exact. I was thrilled, no less, but still very mortified. It was the day of my death, and I wasn't sure if it would go by without incident. Luck was on my side for ten years, and it may have just run out. Erik and Gustave told me not to worry, but when you lived in a manor in the middle of no-where, it was kind of hard not to worry. Everything was too perfect.

I had stopped worying in the middle years, but I seemed to have picked it back up most recently as my death approached.

Gustave came up to me and quickly stumbled out a question. "Mother, where is father?"

"Upstairs on the piano, Gustave, why?"

"Because I wanted you to go find him. You look worried about something. I can watch Marguerite for you," he said, pulling me to his sister and lifting her in his arms as proof.

"You, child, are very sweet, but your father is busy."

"You are more important than his work," Gustave muttered, disappointed he could not look after Marguerite. He'd been trying to get used to looking over her for a while now, convinced that we should have another child. I had no idea why, but Gustave loved to be in charge.

"Would it make you feel better?"

"Yes," he replied bluntly, pushing my lower back down the hall.

"Very well, now let us be," I whispered, hoping Erik hadn't heard the ruckus so I may surprise him.

I opened the door and closed it qiuetly, setting myself next to Erik as he swayed to the msuic.


"Gustave sent me in saying I was nervous and needed you."

Erick chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, the music somehow still continuing, permanently embedded in our minds as I was sure we reciprocated it.

"You died today."

"Do you think I am not privy to such knowledge?" I sighed against him.

"We are, but our son is not."

"Thank the entities for it being so."

I didn't know what else to say as I watched him breathe in and out, cherishing life and myself before him.

"Do you really believe that you are to die?"

"No," I answered foolishly.

"Good girl... Meg and Raoul are attending supper tonight."

"Oo, it's their anniversary, no? Eight years?" I asked as my memory failed me... moreover my math.

"Yes," Erik replied confidently. This was also why he was better cooking because he also was good at math. Proportions or something or other was what Erik explained to me once when I tried to better my cooking skills. It was a futile expedition.

"What would I do without you?"

"Attend a man's inivitation to his concert hall and sing for him with all you have, making him happier than ever before, leaving him with a son to call his own."

I giggled as Erik summed our story in a few words.

"How do you just diminish worry like that from me? I understand it not."

"I'm your drug, Christine. I poision your mind and ensnare your senses. There is no way to escape the darkness that I am."

I scrunched my nose, "I think you have a light complex to you... you do have two beautiful children."

Erik scoffed and kissed me on the lips.

"They're stunning."

"My mistake."


Erik and I never had any more children, and I never died on that day either. I guess that was a minor detail compared to the miracle that was Meg's pregnancy only a year later. She was as fit as a fiddle, but Raoul knew he had trouble conceiving. A miracle occurred and with Meg's health, both the child and she survived. Years of dancing I accredited to such beauteous luck.

Madame Giry passed a few years after her grand-son was born. It was undoubtedly a sad day, but we all knew one-day it was to occur. Missing her every day, I watched everyone grow as a family which was really like what we'd become. Even jokes of the past came about, but not until after the day I was to die. I look back on such things now and relize how silly they were.

My love story was only complete when I had revived my love. I guess that's all it took to get it right. Love Revived.


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