Chapter XIIX

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I was so sure of myself two months later that I was nervous to actually tell another soul. I could just keep the secret for another six months, althought that would be nearly impossible as I would begin to... oh, I was simply so excited. I tried to convince myself it would never happen, and that I could never have this chance, but I decided that I was certain about this. I mean, of course I was certain, it happened last time, but this is the only thing that has happened that was the same as last time.

"What is all the fuss about?" Erik asked as I wandered about the room, nervously twitching my fingers.

"Nothing," I muttered as I began to pace, no longer feeling as confident as I was about my confident assumption.

I sounded insane, honestly, and I felt like I was going mad as Erik stared at me with wondering eyes. He looked so peaceful, maybe I shouldn't bother him with something he could consider bad news. Well, maybe it wasn't bad news, I ceratinly thought not, but that didn't mean anything as I watched Erik get up and brush himself off, looking tired of my worry.

"Come here," he beckoned, pulling me into him with a warm embrace, no longer sounding exhausted.

"Erik, I have something to tell you," I said hesitantly.

"You're with child."

"I'm... what? How did you know?"

"Chrisitine, when your very calm and collected fiancée tends to change her demeanor and travel back in time, wishing for something to happen that did before. One tends to surmise the possibility were it possible last time around... I am rather intelligent you know."

"I know," I groaned, burying my face into him and allowing him to hold me.

I could feel his chest move with his laughter as he kissed the top of my head, running his hands over my shoulders. I found his touch so comforting, and everything about him was perfect.

"Your comfort, I find, is far better than Raoul's..." I said hesitantly, "He was a nervous mess of a man."

"Seems the type to be such."

Erik lifted me from the ground and settled me into his lap on the sofa. I felt bad for being in such a strange way, but I had no other choice. There was no emotion from Erik other than love, even as I poked at him while I tried to obtain comfort.

"You need to eat more often, darling, I fear you may be skinnier than I in the near future."

"Impossible," I replied, poking his chest feeling little but bone and skin.

"The only thing that I find is impossible in the current moment is your allowing me to ravish you."

"How do you think you know such a thing?" I retorted, folding my arms over my chest in protest.

"You're pregnant and I am passionate, two very bad combinations."

I giggled and kissed him on the lips just to tease his resistance. It didn't work very well as I lost my own, kissing him far more passionately than I had planned.

"Are we to marry after the child?" He suddenly asked, breaking the kiss.

"I know not," I replied, thinking it over. I didn't want our child to be born of wedlock, yet if we attempted a wedding in the next month before I became too swollen then we would be playing with time.

"How about we elope? No offense intended to our companions, but it would be far easier."

Erik's sugestion sounded logical, and as I watched him hope for me to say yes I couldn't help but want to agree.

"But Meg... and then Raoul would be able to be your best man," I added playfully with a devilish grin.

"You tease far too much over a simple matter. We no longer hate one another, we are," he choked on the word before it actually surfaced his lips, "friends."

"There you are, I find it enchanting," I mused, pressing my forehead to his creased one, his mask nowhere to be seen. I was glad, too, his emotions were worn like his clothes when he didn't have it on.

"Enchanting as dying, now would you kindly consider the offer I have given you. You can't refuse," he growled, craning his neck to kiss mine.

Fire flamed at each touch of his lips, slolwy burning me into submission. I guess I truly could deny Erik nothing, as for each time he asked of me something, I did so. I sang, slept, moved, did everything for him. I had even offered my life to him when he asked for it, but I was denied. Of course, by now I had left the hurt behind. I forgave, but I never forgot. How could I when he meant more to me than the whole world and he had hurt me like that? I couldn't stay when he wished me to leave. Erik thought he knew what was best for me, though. I guess even the intelligent fall to the lack of wit every-so-often.

"I can't."

"So you oblige?"

"I do."

"Exactly, that is the spirit!"

I blushed, though he couldn't see, as Erik continued to kiss my neck.

"Stop, or we shall be needing to make purchases of scarves."

"I already have those, there is no need."

Of course he had scarves for me, he had a whole life down here for me. I never realized how considerate it was of him to do such things.

I let Erik carry me to bed that night, promises of marriage in the next day and sweet kisses no longer fiancé and fiancée, but husband and wife. I liked that much better than the other terms, for they were far more bonding. I understood the love of Erik when we were unhappy and struggling for our love, but it was a whole other theatre to love a person when they are happy and blissful. I would happily find out what it was like to love him like that, attending the day's opera to unfurl what it felt like.

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