Chapter 11

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You giggled, Joey asked "what's up with the giggles" you said "nothing" you looked at your phone, then turned it off. You looked up at Joey and said "Joey would you ever cheat on me?" He said "of course not baby girl. Why?" You said "because I need to trust you, I don't want a broken heart." You started to cry. Joey said "it's ok baby girl I will never break your heart you are to special for me to do that to you." He kissed your forehead and kept playing with your hair until you feel asleep. You woke up at went upstairs into Joey's room to change into a tank top and some shorts. When you walked down the stairs you saw Joey waiting for you. He asked "you want to go upstairs in my bed baby girl?" You said "sure" he carried you up the stairs and gave you a kiss on the cheek and fell asleep.
When you woke up your phone was blowing up. People you didn't know where calling you, you had random text messages. You woke up Joey and told him "babe I think someone leaked my phone number." He asked "what makes you say that?" You said "random people have been calling me and I don't know who they are." Joey said "baby girl it's ok I will get you a new number." You smiled he said "now that's the smile I love to see." Then you gave him a kiss on the cheek. You went into the bathroom and took a shower. You told Joey that you forget your clothes outside and he came in and gave them to you and left. You put on your clothes then put on some mascara and some lipgloss. You left you hair down and went into Joey's room. He was looking at then you turned around to look at your self in the mirror. You saw Joey looking at your ass. You told him "Joey stop looking at my butt." He said "how did you know😏" you said "because I can see you." He said "come over here."
You ran over to him and sat on his lap. You got a black box and he said "it's a promise ring, y/m/l have to promise you won't hurt your self, and you will be mine forever and always." You said "I promise Joseph Birlem." Then he slid the ring on your finger and kissed you on the lips, you held him close then you pushed away slowly. He asked "so where do want to go to day." You said "ummmm. How about you make it a surprised." He said "ok baby girl anything for you." He planned we where went on our first date, the trampoline park.
When you got there y/n kissed Joey on the cheek and said "babe omg I love this place so much, but I love you more!" They you guys stayed there all day until sunset. Joey said "let's go home it's getting late." "Ok boo." You jumped on his back and carried you back home. On the way home, you want ice cream so you told Joey "boo can we get ice cream plzz." He said "anything for you baby girl." He walked over to a ice cream shop and you hopped off of his back and held hand with you. Someone trip Joey and grab you and held you by the waist then said "hi baby." You tried to push him off but he was to strong. He tried to kiss you but you screamed. Joey got up and ran over to you and kicked him where the sun don't shine.
He grab you and ran into the ice cream shop. Joey held you close protecting you. We you where done ordering you went to sit down. You started to cry. Joey asked "what's wrong babe."You said "I-I don't-t k-know w-why p-people do that to me?!" He said "babe you are beautiful and wonderful you are like the sun, everyone loves you, but I am her to love you even more and make you brighter but other want to take my place so I am here to protect you and love you." Then he kissed you on the cheek and finished your ice cream.
When you were done he held you close and started walking home. When you got home you kissed Joey and ran into his room, then hid under his blankets. When he came in he  changed into his boxes then comes in bed with you and kisses you on the head and said "night sunshine." Then you snuggled up with him and fell asleep.
Sorry if I hadn't posted in a while. How did you like chapter 11 Yass. Omgsh 1,245 😱 worlds Yasss. Thank you guys for 465 reads I love you guys so much.
Shout out to huntingrowlands! Thank you so much

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