Chapter 15

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You felt your necklace and ring still on you but you only saw black you heard the boys yelling but you only saw black. You heard Joey talking but you saw black. You felt Ashton crying and saying your name pulling on you, but you only saw black. Then you heard an ambulance but only saw black. You felt them carry you and put you in the ambulance. But you saw nothing, you felt like crying but you couldn't. You felt Joey in the ambulance holding your hand.
When you got to the hospital, they rushed you in and Joey wasn't holding you anymore. You felt they sticked an iv in your arm, you felt like crying but you couldn't.
3 hours later
You felt Joey holding your holding your hand. You fluttered your eyes open and saw Joey crying in a chair next to you. You softly said "Joey I missed you." He looked up he smiled and said "I missed you to baby girl." Then kissed your forehead. He ran out to get the doctor. When the doctor came in he said "I see you are awake now." You said "yep" he said to Joey "if you want to you can take her home or let her stay here for the night." He said "I would like to take her home please." He said "ok" Joey handed you your dress, bra, and panties. You went in the bathroom room and changed. When you came out Joey said "let's go baby girl." You said "ok" he held you by the waist and walked out, you saw Tayler, Ashton,Charles,Brandon,and Hunter. Ashton ran up to you and said "I missed you y/n." You smiled and said "I missed you to Ashton." Then you turned and faced Joey he leaned in and he kissed you and you kissed back, you slowly pushed away and got in the car.
When you got in you put your head on Joey's chest and started playing with your necklace that said taken by Joey. You smiled, you grab your phone and went on Instagram and took a pic of Joey and caption it "the love of my life" and posted it. When you got home Joey ran out and into the house. You walked inside and couldn't Joey, next thing you know you are being carried by him and brought up the stairs. He throw you on the bed and ran down the stairs. You ran down and said "Joseph Birlem get your butt over here." He ran over to you, you put your arms on his shoulder and he put his on your waist then pushed you into his lips and you kissed back.
You ran over to the couch and sat on Joey lap and grabbed a blanket. You went on nexflix and put on mean girls. Joey said in a girly voice "omgsh I love this movie he he he." You started laughing. Joey got on top of you and said "I love you are my one and only." Then he kissed you. You kissed back, he got up and ran away squealing like a little girl. You started to laugh and ran after him. You caught up to him and jumped on his back and kissed him on the cheek. You said "to the couch big pony." He ran over to the couch and threw you on the couch and sat next to you.
You said "Joey I am hungry." He said "what you want to eat." You said "food." He said "what kind of food." You said "Mexican food." He said "what kind of Mexican food." You said "burrito" he said "ok." You said "hurry up Dora the explora." You both ended up laughing hard. Then he said "ok let's go."
You ran out the door and waited for him. Then you notice that you had no shoes on so you ran back in and put on your white vans and your phone. When walked outside and saw Joey waiting for you. You guys walked to a Mexican restaurant. You both order you burritos and sat down. Joey smashed his face into his. You snickered, then took and bite of you burrito, then you looked up to Joey he was already done. He said "I still hungry I am going to order another one. Your mouth dropped open he said "what you haven't seen me when I am hungry." You just kept eating your burrito, when Joey was back you were almost done with your burrito.
Joey finished eating his and you were done. He said "I am full." You laughed, and said "are you sure." He said "yep I think, yea I am sure." You laughed then kissed him on the cheek and walked out holding his hand. You said "you want to go for a walk around the city?" He said "sure." He held your hand and started walking all over the place. You saw the Hollywood sign and you smiled. Then you saw universal studios. Your eyes widen, Joey said "why are you acting like that?" You pointed at universal studios. He said "you wana go?" You screamed "YES!!!" He said "ok ok."
He you walked through the mall and reach the gate. You pulled out your wallet and got your pass, Joey did the same. They took your pass and made you put your finger print on the metal box thing.  They let you in and you waited for Joey. You were playing the with the necklace that he gave you then he jumped on your back. You said "get off I am going to die." He said "ok." He jump off then came next to you and held your waist. You where walking then you saw the Harry Potter ride. You pulled Joey into the ride and showed your fast pass. They let you in and you wanted to ride in the first.
When it was over you grabbed Joey's hand  and got out of the cart. Then you told Joey "you want butter beer, btw it's not actually beer." He said "sure." You left you to get butter beer and payed for it. When you were walking back you saw Joey making out with another girl. "JOSEPH BIRLEM!! HOW COULD YOU!!!" Tears were streaming down your face. You dropped one of the the butter beers. He said "It's not what it looks like." You said "just leave me alone!" You threw the other butter beer at him and ran as fast as you could. Joey was behind you shouting "Y/N!" Over and over.
You kept run, you tripped. Joey caught up to you. There was a big hole in your pants and a huge scratch and it was gushing out blood. Joey picked you up and over to the bathroom. He sat you on the counter  and grabbed a paper towel and wet it. He dabbed it on your skin, he said "you want to go home." You nodded your head. He picked you up bridel style and carried you home.

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