Chapter 13

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When you woke up you saw a pair of arms around you and it was Joey's. You smiled and tried to get up but you couldn't because Joey was holding you tight. So you just thought
What happens if I lose Joey
What will I do
I will never be the same
I will never smile again
I can't even live anymore
You burst into tears, Joey woke up and asked "what the matter y/n?" You said "w-w-ha-t h-app-ens I-ff I l-o-s-e u?" You started to cry even harder. Joey kissed you on your forehead and said "I would never let go of you, you are my everything, you are the one that makes me smile, you are the one that makes me live, you are the one I am looking forward to see when I wake up, you're the one that keeps me alive so." He kissed you and you kissed back. Then you got up to go change, you went into the bathroom and look at your self in the mirror and smiled.
When you were done you got on and jumped on Joey you said "hi boo." He kissed you on the check. Then he carried you to the kitchen counter and sat you down. He gave you some waffles and syrup. You ate it, got up, and kissed Joey on the cheek and said "thanks". You went up stairs took a shower and got dressed. When you where done you brushed your hair and braided it and put on some mascara and lip gloss.

After you walked down stairs and saw Joey watching tv, you creep up behind and wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek. He smiled and said "I missed you." You said "I missed you to cutie." He chuckled, you asked so what are we doing today?" He said "idk raging waters." You said "Yass lets go." He said "can Charles, Tayler,Ashton,Hunter,and Brandon come?" You said "sure" you ran upstairs to change. You put on a neon blue bikini. You look at your body, it was shape like a hour glass, you could see a outline of your abs, you smile and put a dress over your bikini. You grab one of you bags and put a towel,flip flops,brush,and extra clothes. When you were ready you walked down the stairs and saw Joey on his phone on the couch. You yelled "I am ready!" He jumped and said "ok ok" he grabbed his stuff and you walked out the door.

Tayler was outside waiting with Charles,Ashton,Hunter,and Brandon. Ashton came up to and gave you a big hug and said "hi my name is Ashton!" You said "hi Ashton my name is y/n." Then he said "you are very pretty." You said "well thank you Ashton" then you went in the car. You sat next to Joey and Ashton sat on the other side of you. When you looked up from your phone, you saw a boy staring at you so you put your head on Joey shoulder. You locked your phone, and closed you eyes. You heard Joey and the bot that kept staring at you talking.
Joey:Brandon stop staring at her she is mine not yours
Brandon:bruh I can't help my self
Joey:well go find someone that you would like and not her!
Brandon:ok I will stop
You smiled and fell asleep.
When you got there, Joey kissed you on the forehead and said "hey beautiful wake up." in a soft voice. You woke up and you smiled, you got out of the car and stood close to Joey, he put his arm around your waist holding you close. When you walked in, you wanted to go on everything. So you pick a tall curvy one with 3 people at a time. You told Joey and he said "yea lets go!" Then you guys ran over to the ride and made groups. You,Joey,and Ashton and Tayler,hunter, and Brandon. You slid off your dress and you went up the stairs and waited. The guys kept staring at you .
5 mins later
It was finally your guys turn, so you were in the front, Joey was in the middle and Ashton was in the back. Joey held your waist close, then you turned around and he kissed you, Ashton said "get a room!" And you guys slided down.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while I will update sometime this week love y'all! 766 words

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