Part 38

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I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw blood and intestines everywhere. It was obvious that we were winning but the view it self was disgusting. But I liked it.

Everyone were covered in blood trying to fight off their enemy. Bodies laid on the ground whitout different body parts. Some had their insides out, others laid dying from blood lost and I even saw a few men whitout their heads. But most of them had their throaths ripped off. There were some wolfs who ran back into cover to heal their wounds.

That's why there were 0 dead wolfs. With their unnatural healing they were back on their feet in no time while humans struggled to keep their blood inside of them.

Throught the whole place gunshots, growls and shouts could be heard.

A lot to clean up......

Suddenly a man was thrown to my side and dropped by my feet. He groaned and looked at me. Whitout warning I stepped on his throat cutting him from oxygen. In less than a minute he was dead. I quickly pulled his body inside to hide my presents. Don't want to indanger other women.

Looking back one more time my eyes cought huge black wolf bitting off a chunk of flesh.
Dimitri...... Damn he is hot......

He was fighting among his pack warriors and I could see his eyes full with excitment. He was enjoying this event.

Dimitri ran away from my eyes and I started to climb back up.

Fuck these stairs.......

Finally coming back all women looked at me.

'0 dead, we are winning' I said and almost all of them breathed in relief. I walked back to Lucy and sat besides her. She leaned her head onto my shoulder and we waited.


One hundred twenty four years later a man walked into our room. He was still covered in blood and we all looked at him. At this time it was a bloody chaos in here. Kids were crying from hunger, mothers were scolding ones who tried to sneak away and we all were tired. To sit in cramed space for a whole day was hard. Never do that.

'It safe to come out!' He shouted and we all stood up. I rose my arms hearing my joints popping. I started to exercise while other women made their way down. When the room was empty I made my way down myself.

Outside I saw families reuniting. I know I sound like from WW2 but seeing all women who had mates checking them for injuries and hugging was really cute.

Suddenly I felt arms around my waist and peppermint scent hit my nose and I smiled.

'Not interested in your mate?' He whispered to my ear and I giggled turning around. His chest and mouth was covered in blood and I felt my wolf excited to taste it.

'Aren't you looking sexy' I said and brushed the blood with my finger from his chest leaving white line across it. I licked it off and smiled. It tasted wonderful.

'Mmmmm.... delicious' I said and a growl left Dimitri's throat.

'Tempting' he said and kissed me. I felt lust hit us like a brick and I pressed myself to his chest. If not for the cheers of victory, I would have done it right on the spot.

We split up and I looked at other people. They all were happy.

'People!' Dimitri shouted getting everybodies attention 'go get some rest, tomorrow we have a celebration to hold!' Everybody shouted happily and started to part away talking about all the meals that we will be eating tomorrow.

I grabbed Dimitri's hand and dragged him to our room not waiting for others to come to us and interupt.

<>♡Sexual dive♡<>

Just when we walked into the room I was pushed against the wall and my legs made their way onto Dimitri's torso. He kissed me making me melt and my lust grow. Our tongues met and started to fight only for mine to lose. I burried my hands in his hair enjoying the pleasure.

His lips went down my jaw to my neck leaving hot trail behind. I pushed us away from the wall and we fell on our bed, me on top. I sat up and looked at Dimitri. His eyes were crimson with lust and I smirked.

'You must be tired from all the ripping. I'll take the lead tonight' I said and lowered myself. I licked the blood from his chest and I heard a growl from Dimitri making me smile. I licked one more time and moaned.

'You taste really good' I said licking my lips. Lowering myself again I kissed his neck going down to the chest to taste even more blood. At the same time I took his pants off and my clothes as well.

I placed my palms on his broad chest and leaned on them forward sitting myself on his pride at the same time.

'Fast or slow?' I asked my voice low from lust and he growled.

'You know the answer' he said and suddenly rose his hips going fully inside me. I moaned and started moving my hips up and down. I felt the pleasure building up inside me.

Dimitri pushed me down making us roll over. He instantly picked up the pace and went full force. I laid underneath his moaning and moving to his fast rhythm.

And we came. I arched my back and felt my whole body shook with pleasure.

'Aaaand another one' I said and kissed him starting all over.



I have a question for you guys:

Would you go through all the killing that Rose did to get that one guy you dream every night about?

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