Four Teenagers Play 'The Ground is Lava'

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The cold was almost unbearable in the old rickety boat, but somehow we kept going across the water that definitely should have been ice. I guess magic boats, and dead people didn't have to worry about temperature. I sat there, teeth chattering, trying to huddle next to Shayla and Courtney for warmth.

Shayla tensed. "Did you hear that?"
I shook my head, then heard it. A deep, thundering bark.


Let me back up. I'm going to give you the same warning Percy gave you. Be aware that there are Greek gods and monsters that are running around, right now, trying to kill each other- and you.

So if you think you might be a demigod, stop reading right now, and find something else to do. Seriously, if you even have a small inkling of a thought that you might be a demigod, stop. It is so much safer if you don't know. Trust me, I know.

I didn't listen to the warnings at the beginning of those books, thinking they were just that. Books. Shayla and Courtney thought they were, too. In fact, we became friends because of those books.

We met when they moved to the small town of Yazoo, Mississippi. They moved in across the street, and I though they were kind of weird, since they moved in from halfway across the world; all the way from Britain. But, then I met them at lunch the day after they moved in (courtesy of my childhood friend, Nash).

"Hey!" Nash crutched up to my side, a loose backpack thrown over one shoulder. "Have you had the new girls in any of your classes yet?"

I thought about it for a second, "No, I haven't. Why do you ask?"

"Well, they're being bullied for being stereotypical stuck up British people, so they don't have any friends yet and are feeling rejected. See? That's them, over in the far corner," he gestured with his crutch over to the standing tables dubbed 'the loner tables'.

I looked over at the two girls and noticed little quirks that I didn't notice before. For example, one of them was wearing a Hogwarts t-shirt, and the other had all sorts of pins on her backpack. One of which, from here, I could tell was a Doctor Who pin.

My eyes zeroed in on the pin, and I slowly moved toward their table while Nash saved our usual table.

"Hi! I'm Sydney. I live across the street from you?" One of them, the one in the Hogwarts shirt, jumped in surprise, apparently not hearing my approach in the busy lunchroom.

"You're new here, right? Do you want to come sit with me and my friend Nash?" The words almost came out in a blur. I had never been very good at talking to people.

They both looked at me with a little bit of confusion as they tried to reason out my words.

"Oh! Yes, we'd love to eat lunch with you," the one with the pins on her backpack said, as she began to scoop her lunch back into her lunch bag; her sister began to do the same.

"We're just over here," I pointed toward the back left corner where Nash sat, waving his arms in the air.

Awkwardly, I turned around and went to sit with Nash. Wow, that went well.

"How did it go?" Nash looked at me expectantly, a half eaten apple in his class. Nash was a vegetarian, which I was fine with. We each have our own thing.

The Prophecies of Typhon: The Forbidden Quest (IN EDITING) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now