Greek Mythology is Actually Real, and Now for the Weather

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Sydney hit the ground, adding to the confusion of the situation I was in.

Wait, I needed to back up. What situation was I in?

To put it simply, Nash had goat legs, a chariot lead by pegasi rescued us from a Chimera, and now we were in a place that I assumed was Camp Half-Blood.

Courtney looked about as shocked as I felt. It was only our second 'official' day in America, and we had discovered that we were demigods. If I had known that all it took to find a fictional world was to move to America, I would have left London when I was eight.

I fiddled with the hem of my shirt as I took in the camp.

In the distance, I could see Thalia's pine, the Golden Fleece glittering in the lower branches. The Athena Parthenos stood next to it, making the tree seem small in comparison. The Big House was also visible, as were the strawberry fields, the archery range, and the cabins. It was a miracle that I had managed not to collapse in shock.

A boy rushed over to Sydney and picked her up, carrying her as if she weighed as much as a rag doll. He was tall, and he had golden-blond hair that seemed to glow in the sunlight. I looked over at Courtney. We shared a questioning expression, almost not daring to believe what we were seeing. Maybe I needed to clean my glasses. It couldn't be Will Solace that was standing five feet away from me.

Was this all made up? Was it a dream? It had to be. The camp, Will, Nash's goat legs. Maybe Nash just had really hairy legs. Maybe this was a dream?

A cold breeze drew me from my thoughts. I shivered, instantly regretting leaving my jumper at home. The sun was setting fast, bringing a chill over the camp. The woods looked intimidating in the low light. I stepped closer to Courtney absentmindedly.

Will looked up after stopping the blood flow from Sydney's leg. He looked at us with an expression that I couldn't quite read before standing and walking towards us. My heart felt like it was in my throat, trying desperately to escape.

"You arrived with her, right? What happened?" Will asked. His voice sounded calm and steady, which settled my nerves slightly. I nodded shyly and glanced at Courtney, who was watching him with wide eyes.

"Yes, we did. A Chimera-?" I looked at Nash for confirmation. He gave me a slight nod and I continued. "A Chimera attacked us and it got her leg."

My voice sounded incredibly timid. I sighed in frustration.

Will nodded understandingly. "She'll be alright, she just needs some ambrosia. Do you have any with you? I left mine in the cabin," he said casually, as if everybody carried ambrosia in their back pocket.

I shook my head. "No, I don't. I didn't know this place existed before our arrival."

Will seemed to be mentally facepalming. He called someone over, and they had a quick conversation. I caught the phrases "Nico's cabin," "He always has some extra on him," and "Thanks, Connor. You're literally a life saver."

I recognized the names Connor and Nico. I watched Connor (Stoll?) run towards the cabins. Will told us to 'hang tight' for a few minutes while Connor got the ambrosia, and then he would take Sydney to the infirmary to rest.

Connor came running back a few minutes later, holding a plastic bag full of small squares that I deemed to be ambrosia. Will thanked him, and as Connor walked past us, he gave us a friendly smile. Courtney glanced at me, softly chuckling. I flushed lightly and hit her arm.

"Chiron will want to meet you three, but seeing as Sydney is injured, you'll have to go to the Big House without her. It's straight up the hill, you can't miss it," Will said before taking Sydney to the infirmary.

The Prophecies of Typhon: The Forbidden Quest (IN EDITING) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now