Monsterville- Where All of Your Monstrous Dreams Will Come True

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"Oh, my head," I said, sitting up. "I shouldn't have eaten all those Pixy Stix."

"Glad you're awake," NC said as he moved away from the ships prow. "We're getting close to Yazoo, probably another minute or two."

"Who's the demon that's talking?" An angry voice mumbled loudly near the control panel.

"Morning, Courtney!" I said back to the voice. "How was your nap?"

"Better if you would bloody shut up!" She yelped at me, making Shayla stir.

"Come off it Courtney, go back to sleep," Shayla said as she reached halfheartedly towards her sister's shoulder.

"We're here!" NC announced, causing Jenny to wake up.

Everyone relaxed a bit. Home meant food and beds. I looked up at the sky. "Almost dawn, weird," I muttered.

"Why is that weird?" Shayla asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"There's no movement on the ground, see?" I pointed to town as we were landing. No one was even budging yet. The cute bustling town of Yazoo was a ghost town.

"And that's weird why?" Courtney cut in.

"Well, we do farming and stuff, so most of the time the town is at least up at dawn, if not earlier." I explained.

"Ugh, you Americans are insane." Courtney fell back on the bench. "Why would you want to get up that early?"

"'Cause cows and stuff," I countered lamely. My head was really hurting now. I couldn't even read the 'welcome to town' sign, and from everyone else's looks, they couldn't either or just didn't care.

"So, what's the plan?" Shayla said, now fully awake.

"We tell our parents where we are and stay at camp for the summer, restock on sugar, and fly on out of here," I explained.

"Oh, can we get blue Pixy Stix?" Shayla asked, a tired sheen still over her eyes. I guess she wasn't fully awake after all.

I smiled. "Of course. For now, let's go talk to our parents." I went to dismount from the docked boat when I froze. We had landed right in front of town hall, but everything was backwards. The shops were on the wrong sides of the street, the roads curved in weird directions, and there was a tan clock tower in a field in front of us. We didn't have a clock tower in Yazoo.

"I'm glad you could join us, Sydney, Courtney, Shayla, Jenny, and of course the satyr NC. We've been waiting for you," A perky male voice said.

I whipped around and saw that the owner of the voice was a dark haired guy in a tux with a red bow tie. "How do you know my name? And who are you?" I demand to the sharply dressed guy.

"All will be revealed with time, but for now you can call me Bill. Bill will do nicely." He started walking towards the boat, but Jenny whipped out her bow. "Not a step further, or I'll shoot your brains out."

"Ladies, let's be civilized about this." He snapped his fingers. "After all, I'd hate it if I had to kill you," he smiled devilishly.

A whistle appeared in his hand after he snapped. He blew it, making an 'EEEEEEEERRREEKKKK' sound. The ground started shaking, and I heard a howl in the distance.

"Hellhound," I heard Jenny whisper behind me. "A big one."

She was right. A few seconds later, a hellhound a little bigger than Mrs. O'Leary bounded into the clearing and stood ready to pounce next to the man.

"Get out of the boat, or I'll give my pet a new chew toy," Bill said, no longer cheery. We all got out of the boat very carefully.

Bill snapped again, and a horde of men flooded out of the buildings. "Bind the lot, they'll be good selling, or good company." He yelled to his men, who looked at us and cheered.

"Pirates. Why'd it have to be pirates?" NC wailed as they tied us up and threw us into a box labeled Fragel: Handel Widt Kare!

"Wow, you guys suck at spelling," I said, the lid of the box still open.

"Silence!" Bill said. "Now, I'm thinking keep two of the ladies and sell the satyr. He'd fetch a great price to a Cyclopes, and the other two lasses would fetch a high price as slaves. What say ye?"

"Aye!" Yelled the crew back to the tux man.

"BURN THEM, THE CURSED DEMIGODS!" A familiar hiss echoed through the box, along with the screams of sailors retreating with their captain and giant hellhound.

"Oh, great. Not this thing again," Courtney complained, pulling out her staff pencil. "Is someone gonna cut these ropes?"

"I got it!" I said, already sawing off my own with my dagger. "Here!" I threw her my pocket knife once my arm was free and went to work on Shayla.

"BURN THEM!" An angry hiss went through the clearing, followed by a lion's roar.

"Uh, guys?" I said, peeking over the box rim. "We may have lost our ride."

Courtney snapped her head over to me. "What do you mean, 'lost our ride'?"

"Well...the Chimera may have stepped on it and burst it to a million pieces," I said, sinking back down into the box.

"He did what?" Shayla, now free of ropes, looked over the side. "I'm gonna kill him!" She leaped out of the box, my pocket knife in hand, and charged at the monster. Lindsey charged in right after her, staff out and electricity flaring.

"Wait! We haven't even come up with a strategy yet!" I called after them as I leaped out of the boat, knife in hand.

"I have one. Kill it!" Courtney said as she sprinted to catch up with Shayla.

The battle went something like this. Shayla got to the beast and swiped my pocketknife across all of their necks, but that wasn't the impressive part. When she swiped, a huge burst of water  flew out of the nearest manhole and blew the monster's heads off. The chimera burst into dust, except for one two-foot feather from the hawk.

"Well, I'm glad that's over," I said as I trotted up to Shayla. "Where are we, anyway?"

"Welcome to Monsterville, where all of your monstrous dreams will come true," I heard Jenny say behind me.

"Wait, really?" I said, turning around to face her.

"Of course not, you idiot!" She raised her hands in frustration.

"So," I clapped my hands, turning away from Jenny, "Who wants to spend the day in Monsterville?"

The Prophecies of Typhon: The Forbidden Quest (IN EDITING) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now