Breaking News: Ares Hates The Lion King, Sends Demigods to Kill Pumba

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"How can we help you, Lord Ares?" NC said, his voice trembling. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he was visibly shaking.

"About a month ago, back in California, my boar got loose near San Fransisco. I need you to kill him for me," he said with a rather nasty smirk that sent shivers down my spine.

"Remember, demigods, this is a quest. You'll need to find a third person to go with you," Ares said as everything around me began to fade.

"Oh, one last thing," he yelled, his voice seeming far in the distance. "Be careful. This boar of mine can be rather...vicious." His laugh made me tremble as he and everything around me turned to black, and I hit something hard.


"Are they dead?"

"No, you idiot, they're breathing."

"Let me through!" Said a panicked voice. It sounded familiar. Someone shook me gently and I groaned.

"Quick! Somebody get Will!" The panicked voice shouted. I felt myself be pulled towards someone and they set me down gently in their arms. I forced one of my eyes open and yelped.

"Ouch," I mumbled, my voice groggy.

"Shayla?" The person holding me said. I moved my head so I could see who was taking, wincing in the process.

"Connor? What's going on-"

"What were you thinking?" Connor yelped, clutching me closer to him.

"What do you mean? What happened?" I mumbled.

"You two fell from the sky! I watched it happen! How on earth-"

"Ares," I said shortly, cutting him off. "Fetch quest. We have to kill his boar in San Francisco."

"I'll go with you. You need a third person, don't you? Let me go."

"No, it's fine," I chuckled painfully.
"I already have someone to go with us," I lied, trying to sit up. Connor wouldn't let me and he gently pushed me back down.

"Who?" He asked, still sounding concerned.

"Er- her," I said, pointing to one of the Hermes kids who was standing by NC, making sure he was alright.

"Huh?" She said, looking up. She was rather pretty, I had to admit. Her long, blonde hair reached her waist and her bangs covered her forehead. Every visible inch of her skin was spotted with freckles, and she looked rather strong.

"You're going on the fetch quest with me still, right?" I said, trying to hint at her with my eyes that I wanted her to come with us.

"Oh, yes. Yes, they wanted me to go with them," she said, nodding. I mentally sighed with relief. Connor looked down at me and sighed.

"Alright, but Will has to heal you two first. You could have broken ribs for all we know."

"Connor, really, I'm fine-"

"I just don't want you guys getting hurt," he muttered, pulling me closer to his chest, if that was possible. I was probably blushing madly at the moment and I was thankful nobody could see it.

The Prophecies of Typhon: The Forbidden Quest (IN EDITING) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now