B1CH15 - Bato of the Water Tribe

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"Aahh!" said Iroh, he and Zuko were seated at a low-lying table "See Prince Zuko, a moment of quiet is good for your mental well-being."

He poured Zuko a cup of tea. Zuko raised the cup to take a sip, but the ship suddenly jerked; the vibrations caused the tea in the cup to go flying, soaking Zuko's face and hair. Zuko grunted in frustration, pushed his ponytail back and rose to see what the commotion was about.

When they reached the deck, they saw several firebenders stood poised, ready to attack. Shinju was there too, she was holding a katana in her hands. A shirshu suddenly leaped onto the deck, a young woman was mounted on its back. The firebenders fled from the beast, only Shinju was left.

"Look out!" shouted a firebender.

"Get back! We're after a stowaway!" said the young woman.

"There are no stowaways on my ship." Zuko said.

The shirshu tore off a chunk of the metal deck flooring and hurled it in Zuko's direction. Zuko ducked for cover, the firebenders, Iroh and Shinju moved to the side and the metal piece hit the doorway leading to the main compartments of the ship with a clang as they turned around to watch it hit the door. Zuko looked on in frustration while the firebenders and Iroh took a firebending stance while Shinju was still holding her katana.

A gaping hole presented where the metal flooring once was. The shirshu stoke its head inside and began sniffing around. As it rose its head out of the hole, it was holding the stowaway. He tried to flee but the shirshu lashed out its elongated tongue. As its tongue stroke the man, he fell onto the deck with a terrified look on his face.

"He's paralyzed." Shinju said. She had seen something like this before.

"Only temporarily," said the young woman "The toxins will wear off in about an hour. But by then, he'll be in jail and I'll have my money." she slung him over her shoulder and looked at Shinju "Hey, I liked your hair. It looks cool."

"Thanks." Shinju said "I liked yours, too."

"But how did you find him on my ship?" Zuko asked, he was confused.

"My shirshu can smell a rat a continent away." the young woman said as she slung onto its back.

"Well, I'm impressed," Iroh said as she cracked her whip and the shirshu bolted off the ship, racing down the dock "Very impressed."

"I have seen some like her." Shinju said "They're really tough, especially the female ones."

Zuko shot Iroh a disgusted glance as he saw the look in his eyes "Ugh, Uncle!"

Iroh said nothing, he turned back to play Pai Sho. Shinju put her katana back to its scabbard and looked into the hole on the deck "Well, this doesn't look good."

"How can a hole on the deck look good?" Zuko responded.

"I don't know, I have never thought about it, Mr. Furious."

"Mr. Furious?"

"Yeah, that's your nickname."

Zuko grunted "You make me sick!" he shouted and walked away. Shinju grinned.

I have fun making you sick, Mr. Furious.


Shinju smiled warmly to the tavern. That brought some memories back but they went back as a man was thrown through the roof and landed on the ground. They got in the tavern and saw the young woman on the shirshu's back, arm-wrestling a man.

"Out of my way!" Zuko said with an annoyed expression as he pushed a man out of the way "Step aside, filth!"

Shinju shook her head He needs to learn to be more polite.

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