A Dream of Blind Destiny

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The time is between B3CH11 – The Day of Black Sun #2 The Eclipse and B3CH13 – The Firebending Master

After the incident with the Sparky Sparky Boom Man, Zuko was a part of the team. After Katara's blow up, Zuko was going to the lunch but when he found the team he frowned. Someone was missing. He walked towards Aang.

"Um... Aang?" Zuko said.

"Yes?" Aang said as he bit the carrot he was holding.

"I thought that," he said and cleared his throat "Yoko was with you?"

When they heard her name from Zuko, all of them became silent. Zuko frowned, again. Is something wrong? Isn't she with them?

"She is, actually," Toph said "She joined us when she escaped from the palace."

Zuko nodded "That's what I thought." he said, then scratched the back of his neck "But I haven't seen her since yesterday."

They casted some glances to each other, a few seconds later Katara stood up, furiously "Fine, I'll tell him."

"Tell me what?" Zuko asked. Had something happened to Yoko?

"She was with Aang, Toph and Sokka at the invasion." Katara said "And when the eclipse ended, your lovely sister shot her with lightning."

"Azula did what?" Zuko said, he was starting to panic "Oh my God, is she alright?"

"Not quite," Katara said, her eyes full of sorrow "She hasn't woken up since we came here. I'm trying my best to heal her and I think I did heal her but she's just not... waking up."

"She might wake up if you kiss her or something." Sokka said but before Zuko could react, Toph earthbended, slamming Sokka into the wall.

"Shut the fuck up, Sokka!" she shouted, then smirked "That's what Yoko would say if she was here."

"At least she wouldn't slam me into a wall!" Sokka said.

"Yeah, she wouldn't." Toph said "She would throw you down. And vent this on you in your trainings. Now, shut up, boomerang brain."

"You earthbenders are such-" Sokka began but Aang interrupted him.

"I'm an earthbender, too, Sokka."

"Well," Sokka said "You earthbenders who see with their feet are such annoying girls."

Toph smirked but her smirk vanished swiftly as she bowed her head down "I miss her."

Zuko turned to Katara "Can you take me to her?" he said "I need to see her, Katara."

"Fine," she said "Follow me."

They got into the temple, walked until they reached the room that was in the same corridor with Zuko's. But Katara stopped him before he could get in "I have some things to say." she said "First, do not try to wake her up. I feel she's about to but it has to be natural."

Zuko nodded "I know and I would do nothing to harm her. I love her, Katara."

"And about that," Katara said "You've done too many to harm her, Zuko. You've no idea how she has been since she joined us. You've ruined her, you know that?"

Zuko closed his eyes "I know. I know that I've broken her too much." he murmured.

"I have no idea what she sees in you but she does and she loves you, I'm sure you know that. But this doesn't mean that she'll forgive you." Katara said, crossing her arms "She has suffered enough and you have no right to make her suffer more. Is that clear?"

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