B2CH17 - Lake Laogai

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The thing in the media is smt I made. I call it Shinju in six photos :') I'm not really good at this kinda stuff so dont mind it if it's too bad 

It had been a week since the dating day. And Shinju hadn't talked a word with Zuko. That had given the answer to him: she was the one who saw Jin and him, kissing. Since that realisation, regret was the only thing he did feel. He couldn't sleep at all. And sometimes, at dead of night, he was hearing her sobs. That hurt him the most. He just wanted to hug her, say that he loved her, but he knew that it was better that way. He knew that she'd not want him to solace her.

And now, she was sitting outside of the teashop, she seemed to be in deep thoughts. And she was. All week, her mind raced between the day she left Zuko and the night she saw him with Jin. She clenched her fist as she watched the street dancers. She hated loving him. Every time her world came crashing down, it was because of her love towards him.

"Hey, love, don't you want to dance with us?" one of the street dancers asked to Shinju "You'd look nice in these." she said as she pointed the things they wore.

Shinju thought for a while. She really needed to let it all hang out, so what could she lose? She even didn't have anything to lose at all. She looked at the dancer, smiling "Why not?" she said as she stood up and took the clothes "I'll be back." she said as she got into the shop quickly and went to the bathroom. She quickly took off her clothes and wore the ones that the dancer gave her.

The top was like a warrior's wrap. It was light green. And the skirt was a straw-coloured hula skirt. It had blue, red, yellow, purple, orange and pink flowers on its belly. She had flowers tied on some white braids on her wrists and ankles. She wore the daisy crown and got out of the bathroom. She put her clothes inside her black bag and went out. The dancers smiled when they saw her.

"They did fit you well, love." the dancer said "Now, c'mon, join us."

"Um... What should I do? I mean while dancing?" Shinju asked.

The dancer smiled "Try to do as we do." she said as three others started to play with the drums while the five dancers started to dance.

Shinju was watching them carefully, trying to dance like them. But after a few moments, she managed to do it. It felt like she was at seaside and dancing against the sunset. The low wind was playing with her navy blue curls, which fitted well with the daisies.

When the song ended and they stopped dancing, the crowd cheered. Shinju realised that nearly the whole teashop did watch them. She smiled as she turned to the dancers "Thank you so much." she said.

The dancer smiled "It was our pleasure." she said "By the way, you can keep these."

Shinju smiled warmly at her as she went back inside the shop, after the crowd. Iroh was serving tea to two customers, who enjoyed it. They approached him "So, you're the genius behind this incredible brew. The whole city is buzzing about you! I hope Pao pays you well." one of the customers said.

"Good tea is its own reward." Iroh responded.

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward." the customer said "How would you like to have your own tea shop?"

"My own tea shop? This is a dream come true!"

Pao quickly moved to stand between them "What's going on? Are you trying to poach my tea-maker?"

"Sorry Pao, but that's business for you, am I right?" the customer said.

"Mushi, if you stay, I'll make you assistant manager." Pao said, Shinju was listening the conversation with much concern "Wait, senior assistant manager!"

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