B1CH20 - The Siege of the North #2

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Shinju and Zuko were struggling with the blizzard while dragging the Avatar after them. Their faces were partially covered to protect them from the cold. Aang's tattooed arrows were glowing. A few moments later, the ice that Shinju stood on began cracking, she was in front of Zuko. She looked at Zuko, horror in her eyes.

They raced through the snow but the impact of the ice caving in threw them off-balance. They were thrown several feet away and landed roughly in the snow. Zuko lost his grip on Aang and kicked up a cloud of snow. The cloud dissipated, showing Zuko and Aang lying in the snow. Shinju barely escaped and she was looking at them.

She helped Zuko getting to his feet as they both looked at the scene. The aftermath of the cave-in, the ground severely disrupted "Shelter," Zuko muttered. Shinju nodded to him as she dragged Aang into the cave. Zuko tied him up. Then, they both sat on the floor, breathing fire to keep warm.

"You finally have him," Shinju said "But you can't get him home because of this blizzard."

Zuko stood up and looked outside the cave "There's always something. Once this blizzard ends, I'll take him home and take my rightful place on the throne." he said, then turned to Shinju "What will you do after I hand him to my dad?"

Shinju shrugged, in fact she didn't want to end this adventure. It was selfish but she was slightly wishing for Zuko not to hand him to the Fire Lord. She didn't want to wander around alone. She liked Zuko and she wanted to be around him "I don't know. I'll go wander around again, I think. After all, I'm still deported and I'll be executed if I'm seen in the Nation ever again."

Zuko's eyes widened "Executed? I didn't know this."

Shinju shrugged again "Because I didn't tell you." she said as her hand went to her eye-patch "I don't know what do you think but your father is nothing but a cruel man."

Zuko didn't say anything, he just looked outside the cave. He knew his father's cruelty more than anyone "He's like my sister, I mean the Avatar." he said, changing the subject "Everything always came easy to her. She's firebending prodigy and everyone adores her. My dad says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born." he said, turning to Aang "I don't need luck, though. I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am."

Shinju smiled at him warmly "You know, we're not that different. I was thirteen when I was deported, just like you. And I needed to manage to survive in the Earth Kingdom on my own. I only had myself, my bending and my weapons. But it was not that bad, I discovered who I really was. And why I have become that human killing machine." she said and looked away "The things I have lived in my childhood caused me to be like this. I don't regret the things I have done but they sounds so... merciless. I've killed so many men yet I'm only fifteen..."

Zuko smiled at her as he came and sat next to her. She placed her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. His presence was making her feel warm "I don't think that you're as merciless as you think," Zuko whispered "You're quite nice if you're acted nice."

"Actually, I'm only nice to you and Uncle. The list might get longer but that's all for now." Shinju said "You're a really nice friend, Zuko. Good thing I've seen who the Blue Spirt was that night."

"Yeah, I think so."

But the sweet moment ended when Aang's tattoos stopped glowing. They both jumped to their feet, moving away from each other. She started to feel cold as they separated. Aang woke up, attempted to get out of his restraints but he noticed Zuko and Shinju "Welcome back." Zuko said.

Aang narrowed his eyes "It's good to be back." he said and airbended Zuko into a wall. Shinju threw him a fireball but he airbended her into a wall, too. He propelled himself backwards out of the cave. He wriggled like a worm in an attempt to get away but he got caught by Zuko.

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