B2CH9 - Bitter Work

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She was in the middle of nowhere. It was as dark as night but she could see herself. She was some kind of light source. This made her frown.

"You must choose."

She frowned, again. The voice was coming from nowhere "Choose what?" she asked.

"To go back or to stay here." the voice responded.

Shinju was confused "To go back where? Wait... Am I dead?"

"No, you are not. Not now. You still have time." the voice said "Now choose. Will you go back or leave everything you have behind?"

Shinju looked away "Actually I have nothing left." she said silently "I haven't seen my family for years, they have already disowned me, probably... I have no nation, I was deported from my home. I have no one left. I have nothing to lose..."

"Actually, you have." said the voice "You still have Zuko."

"Ah, him?" Shinju said "He doesn't care about me. He has left me like he did four years ago. He left me without saying goodbye." she clenched her fist "He cares about Mai, not me."

An image appeared from nowhere. It was Zuko and he had kneeled next to Shinju, holding her hand. He was looking so sad.

"Does he care about Shinju because he likes her or because she reminds him of Yoko?" Shinju asked.

"You know I can't know the answer. Only he can. And I don't think that he actually does."

"He did care about me." Shinju murmured "He used to. Before I left him. But that was not strong enough. He ran to Mai at the end. He still cares about her. He loves her. Like he used to love me. But seems like it was just fad. But I still do..."

"Why don't you tell him who you really are?" the voice asked.

"I don't think I can bear the look that will appeared in his eyes when he learns that. Or the things he'll say... I did hurt him so much. Like he did to me. We both have some wounds that cannot be healed."

"So what's your decision? Will you leave him or not?"

Shinju closed her eyes, thought for a moment. Then she opened them slowly "I won't."

Not again.


Zuko held her hand tightly, he had ducked his head "Please, don't leave me..." he muttered "I'm begging you..."

Iroh was watching him, his eyes full of sorrow.

Zuko sobbed. Tears were falling from his eyes to Shinju's hand.

My mom left me... My best friend left me... Please, don't leave me you too... I can't bear a third one.

I'm sick of losing the one's that I love.

I'm sorry that I didn't say goodbye to you. I knew I would change my mind if I saw you trying to convince me not to leave.

Please... Stand by me... You're my only hope...

Shinju coughed. Zuko raised his head, there was hope in his eyes full of tears. She opened her eyes but they widened when she saw Zuko was crying "Are... Are you crying?" she asked, her voice weak.

Zuko said nothing but hugged her tightly. Shinju smiled as she hugged him back. She loved being inside his arms. She could spend all her life there. He kissed her hair "Do not do that. Ever again." he whispered to her.

"No promises." Shinju said as she buried her head in his chest.

"You were unconscious. Azula did this to you. It was a surprise attack." Zuko explained as Shinju laid back.

LOST (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfiction) (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now