B3CH9 - Nightmares and Daydreams

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Zuzu (in the media) is way too hot *.* Put me into the Boiling Rock prisoner cooler

Sokka looked at a map while everyone else looked around. Momo jumped over on Aang's shoulder as Aang scratched his head. Last night, Sokka had told Yoko about their invasion plan. And she found it brilliant. If everything goes as planned, Aang can take Ozai down before the comet comes!

"This is it! The official rendezvous point for the invasion force." Sokka said, somewhat excitedly.

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asked.

"Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on the map. It's uninhabited, and the harbours are surrounded by the cliffs, seemed like the perfect secluded place."

"Nice choice, Sokka." Yoko said.

"And we're here four days ahead of schedule." Katara added.

"Wait! Four days?" Aang said anxiously "The invasion's in four days?"

Sokka yawned "Whatever. That's like four days from now. Let's just calm down and-"

He fell asleep and began snoring. Yoko laughed.

"Sokka's got the right idea, Aang. We're here. We're ready. The best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest." Katara said as she lied down.

"I guess," Aang muttered.

Yoko lied down as she smirked "Four days till I see Zuko and Azula. Sounds like a dream come true. I'll kick their fucking royal asses."

"Yoko, don't you think you're swearing too much these days?" Katara asked.

"Ya ain't my mama, Katara." Yoko put her off.


Aang hit the tree one last time, which sent a vibration throughout his body and made him fall down, with all of the leaves off the tree collapsing on him. Katara just gazed down at him, and Sokka, holding his map, and Toph, who is facing the other direction, and Yoko, who was sharpening her daggers, looked out from behind Katara. Aang came out from under the leaves and walked around Katara in a fighting stance.

"You don't get it, do you? My form is bad, I'm sloppy and I still don't know any firebending. Not even the basics!" Aang said.

"I can teach you the basics, if you want." Yoko said but it seemed like no one heard her.

"That's okay, Aang. The eclipse will block off firebending anyway. You don't need to know it." Sokka said and looked at Aang, his glance leaving the map "Plus, it's a stupid element." he added but flew three meters away as Yoko earthbended "HEY!"

"I'M A FUCKING FIREBENDER, OR I WAS, IF YOU FUCKING REMEMBER!" Yoko thundered "Fire is the best element, you boomerang brain! It is the only element which is alive. It is both life and death. It can give life, it can take it away. It's anger, hatred, and jealousy; but at the same time it is love, passion, and desire. And not everyone can bend it, you need to have the inner fire. And-"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Sokka said "Fine?"

Yoko nodded self-satisfiedly.

"Well, I still have to work on something else. I better spend the whole day training." Aang said and bowed quickly towards Sokka, followed by Katara, Toph and Yoko, then rode off an air scooter. Sokka moved the map up in front of his face to hide behind it.

When Aang came back, they were all asleep, except Yoko. She was watching the starts. She shot Aang a fake smile which he returned as he rubbed his eyes. He yawned, then collapsed "Good night, Katara. Good night, Sokka. Good night, Toph. Good night, Yoko. Good night, Appa. Good night, Momo. Good night Appa and Mo-" he said but was cut by Toph.

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