Flames from the Past #1

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Hey guys! This is my first English fanfiction (I'm Turkish) and I have no idea how it is. I doubt if anyone's reading this, though. Anyway, please tell me if I have any grammer mistakes :) Hope you enjoy it!

Zuko: 9

Azula: 8

Zuko was waiting for Azula to come, in the car. He looked at the Royal Fire Nation Academy for girls. Girls were going their homes by walking or by a car. He heaved a sigh. He hated waiting for Azula. She could play with her friends in the palace, too. What took her so long?


Zuko leaped up and looked at the girl who shouted that powerful. She was the one with the waist long, curly, brown hair. She was shouting to the blonde girl in front of her.

"Only boys play with cars." said the blonde girl "Girls play with dolls."

"Yeah, go and tell this to Azula and see how she reacts." murmured the curly haired one "Cars are better than dolls. You just dress them up and argue about which one is prettier. What's the point in it?"

"We are preparing ourselves for the future," the blonde girl said "So, you are preparing yourself for your future job, don't you? The driver girl."

Fire came out of the curly haired girl's mouth and the blonde one screamed, running away. The curly haired girl took a deep breath and walked away.

"What are you looking at, Zuzu?"

Zuko leaped up again and saw Azula sitting next to him "Don't do that again." he muttered.

"Okay, thanks for telling. I'll try to do that as far as in me lies."

Zuko rolled his eyes.


"I hate her!" Zuko growled after the going car.

"Zuko, she is your sister." Ursa said.

"Tell me mom, what kind of sister leaves her brother behind?" Zuko asked. Ursa didn't answered. Zuko heaved a sigh and started to walk. That was when he heard the sobbing. He turned to his mother. She nodded and Zuko ran to the source of the voice.

He went up the wall of Azula's school and sat on it. It was the curly haired girl he saw yesterday. He jump to the floor and sat next to her. She turned him "What were you doing up here?" she asked him as she sobbed.

"I heard the sound of the sobbing and came to look what was going on." Zuko explained.

"No... Nothing. You'll laugh at me if I tell you."

"No, I won't." Zuko said "I am quite understanding by comparison with my sister."

She sniffed "Well, the girls in my class call me boy and I am sick of it. What's wrong if I love cars and hate dolls?"

"Maybe they are just jealous." he said "That's what Azula does when she's jealous."

"You can be right but why are they jealous? I am just a girl with bush-like hair." she said but paused "Wait, is Azula your sister?"

"Yes, she is." Zuko said. The girl straightened as Zuko said that.

"You are Price Zuko... Oh my God I... Please forgive my rudeness."

"Hey hey, slow down. I am just a child like you. You can treat me as you treat Azula in the school." Zuko said and then paused "Wait, don't treat me like you do to her. I feel like you two are not good friends."

"Not friends at all." she murmured "She was the one who started the boy thing."

"There you go."

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