✧Chapter 3 : Imperial Army✧

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The screams of the orphans fills the air. Blood is seen from left to right. Carcasses of children littered the floor - dead.

In the middle laid a severely wounded blond boy with a (h/c) haired girl at his side crying..

The two are unaware of a certain silver haired noble, who slowly advanced on them, with his fangs ready to bite...

Lunging towards the girl, the noble's fangs pierced the skin of her neck in a matter of seconds. The girl flailed against the noble, but quickly lost a lot of her blood, as she went unconscious....

"(Y/N)! MIKA!" screamed a particular black haired boy with sharp green eyes, as he woke up from his nightmare.

It was Yuu.

Sweat beaded across his forehead, as he let out shaggy breaths. He has been having continuous nightmares ever since he ran away from Sanguinem. He came to a sorrowful conclusion that (Y/n) and Mika were dead. Yuu felt so inferior and weak. He swore he will gain vengeance when he faces that noble in battle...

Now, where was Yuu?

He is in his bed in the dorms of Second Shibuya High. How did he get here? Well, after running straight out of Sanguinem, he met Guren and Shinya - or rather they found him on that bloody night....


"....! Hey little boy! You okay?"

Yuu peered through the flakes of falling snow, as he sees two large shadows that belonged to two males looming over him. One of the males had medium black hair with purple eyes, while the other had silver blond hair and soft blue eyes. They both wore some kind of high rank military-like uniform that Yuu has never seen.

"Are you humans..?" questioned Yuu in uncertainty.

"Of course! I am Guren Ichinose and this is my comrade Shinya Hīragi! We are a part of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army." stated the male with purple eyes in a happy tone.

"Let me j-join the army! I want to kill those vampires! They are your enemies, right?!" blurted a determined Yuu, as his green eyes showed a spark of a raging fire inside of him.

"Oh! You have quite a spirit.. Let alone you look like you just escaped Sanguinem judging by your outfit and face. You can start training when you are a little bit older. For now, we can provide you somewhere to live and go to school." smiled Shinya.


Yuu grudgingly got into a uniform after brushing his teeth and washing his face. He was not the sort to befriend people easily, given his death glare that he has on 24/7. Guren wanted Yuu to make friends, so that teamwork will be efficient when it comes to engaging in battles. At first, Yuu has only remained in defiant to cooperate with people. But as the days grew into weeks and weeks into months, Yuu has befriended Shinoa Hīragi and Yoichi Saotome.

Shinoa is a pale lavender haired girl with side braids and a bow behind her head. A bit cold and emotionless, Shinoa found Yuu to be her responsibility. She isn't always apathetic, at times she does reveal a sarcastic and teasing side. Shinoa has a rather soft spot for Yuu, as she offered guidance for him throughout the time with him. But, she noticed how Yuu would always confide to her about (Y/n) and Mika. Shinoa refused to acknowledge the feeling of jealousy whenever Yuu talked about this (Y/n). She knows (Y/n) and Mika must mean a lot to Yuu. As a leader of her squad, she is willing to direct her teammates into the right path.

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