✧Chapter 7 : Prolonged Patience✧

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A lonely idle figure stood on a vantage point of Sanguinem. He had wispy blonde hair and icy-blue eyes that accentuated his features from the rest of the other vampires - Mika. The blond vampire gazed far into the darkness of the vampire city, as his mind kept wandering back to (Y/n). Mika remembered the kiss he gave to (Y/n) before she went missing. It was quick, but he missed the feeling of her lips on his. Her blood was also quite satisfying to drink, but he did not want to hurt her in the process. (In this fanfic, Mika's eyes will not turn red after drinking (Y/n)'s blood; because, his blue eyes are beautiful😊and this is my fanfic.)

Mika felt his hands itch with vengeance, as he gripped the hilt of his sword. He was going to kill every last human until he finds (Y/n), again. All he wanted was to protect and be with (Y/n). A faint rustle was heard behind Mika, as Ferid appeared. Ferid had a sly expression on his face as he mocked, "Thinking about (Y/n)? Hmm, if you find her first, I'll let you keep her. But, of course, that won't ever happen, because I will take her right away before your eyes~"

The blond vampire coldly remarked, "Then, I will kill you for her."

"Oh~ A challenge? I love challenges~ If only you were not the Queen's pet, you would have been long dead." sneered Ferid.

Mika vanished to the streets of Sanguinem for he did not want to put up with Ferid anymore. Ferid chuckled to himself, "A vampire in love with a human - such a love story, but in my case, I will turn her into a vampire~"


"Hey Rene! I am looking forward to fighting those demon-humans in this upcoming battle!" chirped an overconfident Lacus.

Rene mumbled, "I won't be surprised if you end up dead,"

Lacus then frowned, "I heard that you know! Anyways, I have not seen (Y/n) lately. Wonder where she is? She cannot be dead, right?"

Rene shrugged; out of the blue, Mika appeared and he strode over to the two vampires.

Lacus perked up and asked, "Mika! It is not like I care, but where is that livestock of Ferid's?"

Mika responded, "Missing,"

"Missing? What do you mean? Did she get kidnapped or.. escaped?" questioned Lacus.

Mika growled, "Kidnapped, now be quiet."

Lacus gasped, "Oh my, kidnapped? Is it those demon-humans who kidnapped her? How in the world did they come to Sanguinem and capture her?"

Rene commented, "She probably was trying to escape, but was found by the humans is the best scenario I can get from this,"

Lacus then said, "Why would she try to escape? She knows she is bounded to Sanguinem, more specifically to Ferid,"

Mika spoke monotonously, "Ferid challenged me that if I find her first, she is mine."

"Why did Ferid not challenge me? I want to be a part of this! This sounds fun. I want to find (Y/n) and make her mine!" smiled Lacus.

Rene sighed, "I thought you were not into livestocks."

Lacus rubbed his chin and replied, "Of course, only (Y/n) is an exception. She intrigues me."

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