♡Mika Ending: Tainted Wings

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It took a long time before I realized who I actually loved. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in love unconditionally.

(Y/n)'s heart raced against her chest, as she stood boldly on the battlefront and claimed, "I... will not go with you Ferid - I will go with Mika.."

Ferid's eyes flashed with annoyance, "Excuse me, Mika? I am afraid that I have misheard. You will stop your nonsense and come back to me, do you understand?"

(Y/n) shook her head, "You hurt my family, my friends, and me. I am breaking off this stupid bond with you!"

Ferid's rage was slowly rising, as (Y/n) tried to sustain the pain that was constantly intensifying throughout her body from the choker with each passing second. Mika felt the world stop when (Y/n) confessed to want to be with him. This made the blond vampire turn to Ferid, brandishing his sword, challenging, "I fight you for her."

Crowley, who was behind Ferid, took a step towards Mika, but Ferid smugly raised a hand to signal him to stop. The silver haired noble chortled darkly, "Even if I - oh, I don't know, accidentally kill you?"

Ferid took out his sword in a blink of an eye and lunged towards Mika at lightning speed. (Y/n) screamed, "MIKA!" Mika luckily blocked the attack with his sword in time and twisted around to attack Ferid. Ferid's cape slightly ripped, as the noble barely evaded the attack.

Yuu was about to jump in to join the fight, but Shinya and Guren stopped him. Shinya shook his head solemnly, "Yuu, this is a man to man fight. It is between them to settle..."

Mika gave Ferid an unemotional gaze with his icy blue orbs that made him annoyed. Ferid hissed, "I will give you one last chance to save yourself and (Y/n) - I command you to drop your sword."

Mika replied blankly, "And I will give you one last chance to release that choker of yours on (Y/n)."

Ferid whirled his sword in quick strokes towards Mika, as Mika's sword blocked every attack cleanly. Mika showed no nervousness, as he counterattacked with heavy force. Ferid started to show signs of exhaustion, as he staggered backward. The noble gripped the hilt of his sword in anger and spat, "Only my blood will deactivate that choker. Then it can be taken off."

Mika nonchalantly commented, "So be it. Your blood shall be shed today."

The blond vampire drove his sword towards Ferid's chest in a flash without hesitation. Ferid did not have time to react for he just gazed at the sword that penetrated his chest, as his blood stained his clothes and dripped onto the ground. The noble chuckled, "Wow, I did not expect you to attack so quickly. It seems like I have lost fair and square..."

Mika withdrew his blood stained sword from Ferid's chest and proclaimed, "Perhaps another day I will be given the chance to dutifully kill you. For now, I just want (Y/n) to be free with me."

Ferid smirked, "Kill me? How cute. Where will you two go, once the Queen hears of this?"

Mika casually walked over to (Y/n) with his sword and applied a few drops of Ferid's blood from his sword onto the choker. Mika only answered with silence to Ferid's question. The choker dropped, as (Y/n) let out a relieved sigh. The pain was alleviated from her body. She was finally free from that wretched noble vampire.

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