♡ René Ending : Silent Bliss

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It took a long time before I realized what I truly wanted. Even though I did say I was not interested in pursuing a love interest, one cannot help, but be in love with someone.

(Y/n) felt her heart almost wanting to leap out her chest under the stressful pressure of a thousand eyes watching her, as she stood in the front and answered, "I... will go with you, Ferid.."

Ferid smacked his lips together and smiled in content, "Good, good. You know to always come back to your master~"

Mika glanced at (Y/n) and saw she wanted to say another name beside that bastard Ferid, but reading her mind he was taken back at the name that not he would think would interest her heart. (Y/n) tried to peer at the vampire ranks for a certain vampire that she held in the back of her mind, but felt dejected realizing he may not be here. Yuu called (Y/n)'s name, but Guren interjected Yuu, "Let her go, she is doing this, so no blood will be shed today,"

Yuu could only watch in defeat, as the vampires took (Y/n) away and the glimpse of Mika's back disappearing.

Upon the return to Sanguinem, Ferid had dismissed his loyal vampire followers. (Y/n) made no comment on the way back. She could only fear what sort of punishment was waiting for her. As most of the vampires took their leave, Mika gave a sorrowful look at (Y/n) and left. The last vampire to stay was a black haired vampire with visible black eye bags - René. It was as if he appeared out of nowhere. (Y/n) felt her heart skip a beat.

Yes, René is the vampire that shook her heart believe it or not. They may not have many interactions, but his alluring mysterious charm caught her interest and curiosity the moment she first saw him. It was a constant feeling that she wanted to go away, but could not hide from. René, too, felt a strange attraction to the human girl. He was sorry deep down for scratching her the other time - he just acted out impulsively. René found (Y/n) to be a very determined and strong young woman, which vaguely activated his nostalgia of his former human past.

Perturbed, Ferid sighed, "What is it, René?"

René blinked and dully replied, "To challenge you for (Y/n),"

Ferid gave a confused look for a second until he bursted out in laughter, "You? Challenge me?! You have got to be kidding me. Do you know who I am?"

René gripped the hilt of his sword, but then calmly responded, "It is simple, the one who inflicts a wound first wins (Y/n),"

Ferid brandished his rapier in confidence. The noble had a smug look of triumph. "What affections do you have for my dear (Y/n)? I would have never guessed you would be interested in my dear pet,"

Not a second after Ferid's sentence, René had unsheathed his sword and lunged towards Ferid in lightning speed. Ferid barely deflected the blow and stumbled back off guard. Ferid smirked, "Full offense, huh? Daring of you~"

René attacked again to land at least a cut on Ferid. Swords clashed and rang again and again. The vampires were hard at dueling. (Y/n) could only watch in fear of who would turn out to be the victor. She wanted René to win - he is far better than that trash Ferid. René suddenly twisted his body, aimed at Ferid from the side with his sword, and knew he found a blind spot. Blood splattered on Ferid's cape and uniform. Ferid hissed, "Argh, I should have foreseen that,"

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