♡Crowley Ending : Little Lamb

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It took a long time before I realized what I really wanted. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in a twisted love.

(Y/n) felt her heart pounding against her chest, as she stood in the front and stammered, "I-I... will go with you, Ferid.."

Ferid clapped his hands together and grinned, "Ah yes, my lamb will always be in compliance and that I should be happy about!"

In the back of her mind, (Y/n) wanted to say this one vampire's name instead, but she could not muster the courage to say his name in fear of Ferid's response. She knew Ferid had severely wounded him once and Ferid could do it again if he wanted to.

Taking small steps towards Ferid, Yuu called out (Y/n), but Guren pulled Yuu back by his collar. Shinya frowned, "Yuu, (Y/n) is doing what she thinks will be the best for us,"

Yuu clenched his fists in helplessness and watched (Y/n) and Mika go with the vampires in heartbroken silence. "Do not worry, (Y/n) and Mika... I will train to be stronger to save you both from that wretched place!" promised Yuu in his mind.

Mika was rather distant of (Y/n). On the way back to Sanguinem, he avoided all eye contact with (Y/n) and stayed further in the back, but he could not help yearn how sickly sweet (Y/n)'s blood was to his lips. He knew (Y/n) did not think much of his kiss. She only thought of helping him quench his thirst not an intimate moment between the two.. Mika could not bring himself to hate or be angry at (Y/n)'s affection towards the vampire she somehow has feelings for. He knew Ferid was not the one (Y/n) had fallen for, but rather the second worse and dangerous vampire next to Ferid...

(Y/n) wanted to talk to Mika, but Mika had already disappeared as they reached Sanguinem. Heart aching, (Y/n) felt she like she betrayed Mika or hurt his feelings... Ferid purred, "(Y/n)~~ Why the long face? Are you not happy to be back? Or is it because you know I will punish you once I have found you again~?"

(Y/n) winced at the mention of the word punishment. She felt her hands turn cold in fear, as she remembered what kind of punishments Ferid was capable of doing.

Before Ferid could speak again, a familiar vampire interrupted him, "Sorry Ferid, but the lamb's mine~"

Ferid whirled around to face a maroon haired vampire - Crowley. Ferid scoffed, "What makes you think that I will share her with you, bastard?"

Crowley shook his head and chuckled, "Oh noo Ferid~ I do not want to share. I came to challenge you for who gets to have the lamb for himself,"

They both unsheathed their sword at the speed of light, as their eyes glowed a bright scarlet red. Ferid hissed, "You never back down do you?"

Crowley smirked, "You know I always love to compete with you Ferid. We are good friends, but sometimes I cannot help to be jealous of some things you have that I do not have,"

Inside, (Y/n) felt an odd tug in her heart after seeing Crowley. Yes, this is the vampire (Y/n) has fallen for. She fell for how intimidating and enigmatic he was. The feeling he gave her when he first drank her blood and the pain it gave her made her crave for him more. She liked the ecstasy Crowley could give her with his touch and his bite.

"First to be wounded will lose the lamb~?" suggested an overconfident Ferid.

"Sure," answered Crowley as he first attacked by swinging his rapier towards Ferid. Their rapiers clashed and slid off each other's with each attack they dealt towards the other. Crowley looked determined to win this match. (Y/n) could only stay back and watch anxiously for the outcome. She hoped Crowley would win and be unharmed. After some time, Crowley suddenly landed an intense direct stab into Ferid's shoulder. Ferid let out a wounded hiss and growled, "I see you have improved,"

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