✧Chapter 6 : New Occupation✧

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Yuu repeated after (Y/n) slowly, "Mika.. is a.. vampire?"

(Y/n) nodded sadly, "Y-yeah, please understand, Yuu! Mika was nearly at the brink of death, until Krul saved him by turning him into one of.. them."

Yuu's grip tightened around (Y/n)'s hands, as he assured, "I understand, but I want us three to be together again. I don't really care if he is a vampire now, because I won't hurt my family."

(Y/n) smiles, "I am just imagining us three reunited again.. I hope these dark times will pass into good times,"

Yuu grins, "Well, you need some sleep now. Go get some more rest,"

He noticed the gleaming red choker given by Ferid still around (Y/n)'s neck, which made his blood boil. One day he vowed to kill that noble for killing his family and making (Y/n) a personal livestock.

(Y/n) lays back into her bed, stretching before covering herself with the blankets. She then watched Yuu leave and closed her eyes. Now is the time to get some rest and see what tomorrow brings...



"Let me sleeeep," groaned a lazy (Y/n).

Someone was poking (Y/n) to wake her up.

It was Yoichi.

"...(Y/n)-chan! I don't know i-if Guren would like you sleeping in, because he thinks that you are well rested t-to help us out," stammered a timid Yoichi, as he held a neatly folded private JIDA uniform and a pair of boots for (Y/n) to wear.

(Y/n) rubbed her eyes and sat up on the Infirmary bed. She narrowed and blinked her eyes, before regaining her vision of her surroundings. She saw a blushing Yoichi, holding some kind of uniform out to her.

Yoichi could not help but think that (Y/n) looked cute asleep and waking up. From her disheveled bed hair to her pouty lips, Yoichi wanted to see (Y/n) more often. His cheeks warmed up, as (Y/n) peered at him, questioning, "Yoichi, is your name, right? Is this what I will be wearing from now on?"

She pointed to the uniform and boots in his hands. Yoichi nodded quickly, "Ah-yes! And um, yes! Y-you should go change quickly, so that I can escort you to Guren's office. Guren was the one who sent me to give you your uniform."

(Y/n) accepted the uniform and boots smiling, "Ahh, okay! Thank you, Yoichi!"

Yoichi bowed sheepishly and scrambled to the entrance of the Infirmary. His little heart was racing at the interaction with (Y/n). (Y/n) found a restroom in the Infirmary and entered. She went into a stall, locking it and changed into the uniform. The uniform was a simple long sleeved black coat with two rows of gold colored buttons on the front. Light green stripes were decorated around the cuffs of her sleeves. She then wore a short black skirt that was a part of the uniform. It was a bit short, but it wasn't like anyone was going to gawk at her. There was also a pair of black thigh high socks with the uniform. She quickly put them on and comfortably slipped into the boots.

Not wanting to keep Yoichi waiting any longer, she exited the stall and restroom to the entrance of the Infirmary. Yoichi was sitting on one of the seats outside, suddenly perking up upon seeing (Y/n), "Oh! (Y/n)! Y-you look really pretty in that uniform!"

(Y/n) blushed, "O-oh.. Thanks, Yoichi!"

Yoichi smiles, "I will guide you to Guren's office now!"

The two walked in a comforting silence to Guren's office. A few JIDA members saw the two walking, chattering in low voices. Yoichi gave them a glare, as he realized the JIDA male members were checking (Y/n) out. Yoichi grabs (Y/n)'s hand and began walking faster. (Y/n) whispered, "Yoichi! Is something wrong?"

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