♡Guren Ending: Innocent Tease

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It took a long time before I realized what I really wanted. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in love along the way.

(Y/n)'s heart raced against her chest, as she stood boldly on the battlefront and claimed, "I... will not go with you, Ferid - I will stay here with Guren.."

In this situation, Guren chuckled, "Was that a confession, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) was furiously blushing, as she retorted in hostility, "Well-! Maybe! What if it was?!" Yuu had a look of bewilderment, as he tried to comprehend what he just heard. (Y/n) wanted to stay here, because of.... Guren?! Yuu hoped it would have been him, but now realized (Y/n) does not bare such feelings for him except as family.

Mika narrowed his eyes at the male named Guren. The blond vampire sensed an ominous aura around Guren, as Mika steadily raised his hand to the hilt of his sword.

Ferid's crimson eyes flashed with annoyance, as he growled dangerously at (Y/n), "Stop your gibberish and come back to me."

Suddenly, (Y/n) felt the choker around her neck inflict mass amounts of pain that reverberated throughout her body. She dropped to the ground on her knees, as she clutched her neck in withering distress. Mika and Yuu immediately took a step towards her, but were pulled back by Ferid's voice. Ferid's sadistic grin widened at seeing (Y/n) in pain, "If you do not want to suffer anymore~ I advise you to be a good girl and come here...."

Guren did not like seeing (Y/n) suffering under the hands of the noble, as he challenged, "Ferid, I want to challenge you to a sword fight."

It was not considered respectful for Guren to address Ferid so casually, as Ferid gave Guren a piercing knife-like glare. Ferid scoffed, "You dare challenge me? I am laughing at your futile challenge."

Guren unsheathed his demon weapon and stood poised for a fight. Guren grunted, "You have caused enough trouble for me, Ferid. I ask for you to round your troops back and leave now or you shall pay the price."

Ferid raised an eyebrow and smugly smirked, "Rebellious like (Y/n)~ No wonder you two are a pair of lovebirds in a storm."

With no mercy, Ferid quickly brandished his sword and lunged towards Guren in a matter of seconds. In time, Guren successfully deflected Ferid's sword with his demon blade.

Guren's blade suddenly had an ominous glow to it. Mahiru - the demon possessing Guren's blade - telepathically spoke to Guren, "Oh Guren~ Why are you so passionate to save her? If you let me take over your body, I can really get rid of this noble for you~"

Guren contemplated Mahiru's words, but responded through his mind, "No. I do not need your help. I got this. Besides, you just want to control me and go on a rampage for fun.. Or is it because you are jealous?"

Mahiru let out a hmph and whined before disappearing, "Gurennnn~ I hate you!"


So far, Guren has managed to block most of Ferid's attacks; however, he has made no attempts in attacking Ferid. Guren glanced to see if (Y/n) was okay. (Y/n) was frantically calling out to him, "Guren! Behind you! Watch out!"

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