♡Yoichi Ending : Pure Touch

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It took a long time before I realized what I really wanted. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in love with someone.

Especially if their name is Yoichi.

(Y/n) felt her heart rapidly beat against her chest, as she stood boldly in defiance and answered, "I won't go back with you, Ferid.."

Thinking about Yoichi gave (Y/n) confidence to stand for herself. Ferid raised an eyebrow in surprise and said, "Oh? What is this? Talking back to your master? You certainly have a lot of guts to say that,"

(Y/n) could feel Ferid's anger rise, as the vampire's eyes glowed a dangerous red. The noble warned, "Get back here or all hell will break loose today,"

Guren shouted, "Oi, vampire! She said she won't go back with you, so I suggest you leave now or die,"

Yoichi could be seen peering over the other taller soldiers' shoulders from behind and had a face of concern, as he watched the scene unfold. Shinya, Yuu, and his squad were seen unsheathing their weapons. Ferid sighed, "So be it, you humans need to learn today in who's in charge,"

(Y/n) then felt her choker send painful shockwaves throughout her body. She yelped in pain. A sadistic cruel smile was plastered on Ferid's face in satisfaction. Yoichi balled up his fists and felt a surge of anger towards the vampire and determination to protect (Y/n) from harm. Yoichi's demon, Gekkōin, started to taunt him in his mind, "Yoichi~~ Just let me borrow your body and I will make sure that vampire regrets hurting (Y/n)~ You don't want to see another life be taken away by a vampire like him do you now?"

Yoichi responded back to Gekkōin through his mind, "On one condition, you may not possess my whole being. I want to be able to control myself and not entirely rely on you,"

Gekkōin slurred, "Fine,"

Yoichi held a unique large black bow with green eye-like features at the upper and lower curves of the bow. One demon horn protruded on one side of Yoichi's head, as Gekkōin's voice echoed in his mind, "It's all your call,"

Ferid made the first move to attack Guren. Their weapons clashed. Yuu, Shinoa, and Shinya made it their priority to get (Y/n) to a safe location. In a weak state, (Y/n) hated how the choker restricted her and inflicted pain. (Y/n) felt her legs give in when she landed in a pair of gentle arms that belonged to none other than Yoichi. Yoichi effortlessly picked up (Y/n). Yuu ordered, "Get her somewhere safe and protect her at all costs,"

Yoichi quickly gave a brisk nod in acknowledgement and ran to the nearest empty building available to have (Y/n) to rest at, as a familiar lavender haired vampire overheard. (Y/n) along the way could not help but stare awestruck at Yoichi's strength and change in attitude from soft to serious. She found it quite attractive. Upon arrival at a deserted building, Yoichi placed (Y/n) against a wall and comforted with a reassuring squeeze around her hands, "It's okay, (Y/n) this will all soon be over!"

He then assumed position behind a window, readying his bow. (Y/n) felt her choker spazz out here and there, but she knew to try to resist the pain. She watched Yoichi with every ounce of energy left in her. Suddenly, a striking green pentagram appeared out of thin air in front of Yoichi's right eye. Yoichi immediately turned around with his bow already aimed and shot an arrow that manifested into multiple arrows due to his demon's abilities. A curse was heard loudly.

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