♡Ferid Ending: Blood Bond

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It took a long time before I realized who I actually loved. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in love unconditionally. In my case, I love both a murderer and a kidnapper.

(Y/n) could feel her heart pound against her chest, as she stood on the battlefront and answered, "I... will go with you, Ferid..."

Yuu, Shinya, Guren, and the rest of the JIDA squad had shocked expressions written all over their faces. Yuu protested, "(Y/n)?! Are you in your right state of mind?! He killed our family and your family!"

Mika gazed at (Y/n), as his blue eyes showed an emotion of betrayal. What did you see in Ferid for you to go back to him?

Tears were welling in (Y/n)'s eyes, as she knew it was wrong to love someone who killed the ones she cherished, but she could not help develop this unavoidable Stockholm syndrome for Ferid. He treated her well, despite occasionally drinking from her. Ferid never took advantage or physically abused (Y/n). The silver haired vampire noble was cheekily grinning in satisfaction, "See, you will always come back to me, my dear (Y/n)~ I have never treated you badly, so why run away in the first place? Let's go home, now~"

As (Y/n) took a step towards Ferid, Yuu tried to grasp her hand, but Shinya and Guren stopped him. Yuu retaliated, "Let me go! (Y/n) cannot go back! I need to save her!"

Shinya frowned, "Yuu... If it is (Y/n)'s choice, leave her be. I am sure she wants you and everyone else to be safe over her own life.."

Yuu's green eyes started to lose his fierceness, as a look of defeat replaced his angry visage. He wanted to tell (Y/n) his feelings, but it was apparent that she will never know now. On the other hand, Mika knew (Y/n)'s feelings were for Ferid. All along, Mika had a premonition that (Y/n) harbored affections for that noble. Mika was not the type to use his vampiric abilities to read into one's thoughts, but he could not bear to accept the reality that (Y/n) chose that sick monster. Mika hoped for (Y/n) to fall for him, but her feelings for Ferid was too strong.

(Y/n) was now standing next to Ferid, as Ferid placed an overprotective arm around her. She could not make eye contact with Yuu nor Mika. Her eyes were glued to the floor. Ferid purred with his eyes on Yuu, "Oh, I remember you... You are that Hyakuya kid that escaped.... How does it feel to know I am just taking back who is mine? Perhaps I will see you in another battlefield~ Farewell for now~!"

Yuu felt his blood boil, as he watched Ferid leave with (Y/n). Then, his eyes met with Mika. For a brief moment, Mika gazed at him, but left. Lacus, Crowley, and Rene trailed behind Ferid. Lacus was lowkey jealous of Ferid, as Crowley knew he must be careful to supress his urges for (Y/n) from now on around Ferid. Rene clicked his tongue in annoyance, since he always knew humans like (Y/n) can cause trouble in even a creature without a heart.

Yuu felt his knees buckle to the ground, as he muttered, "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'm sorry, Mika."


As the vampires arrived back to Saguinem, (Y/n) was left with Ferid and Mika. Ferid cooed, "Oh, Mika~~ Still think (Y/n) loves you?"

(Y/n) wanted to disappear forever, as she knew Mika must hate her now for loving the murderer of the orphaned children. She only saw Mika as family, nothing more. Mika replied emotionlessly, "Say what you want, I am done here."

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