♡Lacus Ending: Split Arrogance

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It took a long time before I realized what I really wanted. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in love.

(Y/n) felt her heart beating against her chest, as she stood on the battlefront and said, "I... will not go with you, Ferid - I will go with Lacus.."

It felt like the whole world just froze in time. Not a breath or word was heard. Lacus was stunned to hear his name. Mika's eyes widened a fraction of a centimeter and Yuu's face was contorted in a mix of confusion and disbelief. Ferid, on the other hand, was furious towards (Y/n)'s response. The noble broke the silence by yelling, "What are you even saying? Lacus? He is the least I'd imagine for you to like. Stop your nonsense and come here,"

Lacus clenched his hands into fists. To hear Ferid think so lowly of Lacus was an all-time low. The purple haired vampire wanted to confront Ferid, but the noble was after all a strong superior.. Suddenly, Ferid appeared in front of (Y/n) and yanked her arms towards him, causing her to yelp in response. Yuu cried, "(Y/n)!"

(Y/n) replied, "I'm fine! Let them take me,"

Yuu was about to go save (Y/n), but Guren had gripped onto Yuu's arm and grunted, "You heard her. Don't make this hard, kid."

Ferid's cold hands were nearly squeezing off the blood flow to (Y/n)'s arms, as the noble ordered, "I am not done with you, humans. This won't be the last time that we'd meet! Let's go my fellow kins, I have retrieved what is mine."

In unison, the vampires have dashed back to Sanguinem. Without a goodbye, (Y/n) was whisked away by Ferid. Yuu only watched on in despair with the others.

Once the vampires have returned to Sanguinem, Ferid was approached by Lacus. The silver haired noble smirked, "Oh, Lacus? What brings you to me?"

(Y/n) kept struggling in Ferid's arms, but stopped when she saw Lacus.

Lacus gritted his teeth in response, "I want to challenge you for (Y/n)..."

Ferid released (Y/n), as she dropped to the ground with a thud. The noble chuckled, "You want to challenge me? Don't make me laugh. Have you forgotten what you were once and who am I?"

Lacus growled, "Just because I was once a human does not make me any lower as a vampire. What about Mika? Mika was once a human, yet he is treated so highly."

Ferid leered, "Oh Lacus, the human envy in you is still strong. It will be your downfall if you keep persisting to fight me."

Lacus then suggested, "Fine, think whatever you want of me. I just ask one more time for you to accept my challenge to fight. If I inflict a wound on you, I win and have (Y/n) instead. If you wound me first, then... I admit defeat."

It was (Y/n)'s first time to see Lacus so serious. It made (Y/n) surprised that Lacus was wanting to fight for her. The purple haired vampire had unsheathed his sword with a solemn expression across his face. Ferid readied his sword and said, "Sounds like a deal,"

Lacus swiftly attacked first. The sounds of swords clashing rang through the air. An intense staring contest commenced between the two males, as they returned to their usual stance with their sword ready. Ferid then lunged towards Lacus without a moment's hesitation. In the nick of time, Lacus managed to deflect Ferid's attack with his sword. Lacus did not dare let his guard down. Ferid cursed and swung his sword around to attack again. This time Lacus somersaulted over Ferid avoiding the noble's attack and went to plunge his sword into Ferid's back. It was to late for Ferid to counterattack Lacus' move, as Lacus' sword pierced deeply into Ferid's back.

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