♡Shinya Ending: One Shot

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It took a long time before I realized what I really wanted. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in love along the way.

(Y/n) felt her heart almost leap out of her chest, as she stood courageously on the battlefront and answered, "I... will not go with you, Ferid - I will stay here with Shinya.."

Ferid's face twisted into a face of disgust. He scoffed, "(Y/n), you must come back with me. These humans have no whatsoever interest in you. They are just brainwashing your innocence,"

Before (Y/n) could speak, Shinya had appeared on the frontlines next to (Y/n). Shinya retorted, "Such hypocrisy! You are the one who's brainwashing her - holding her against her will with your fake sincerity you sadistic creature!"

Ferid's eyes narrowed into red slits, as he answered in a low menacing tone, "Watch that mouth of yours, human...."

Shinya's grip on his cursed rifle tightened. Ferid smirked, "You know... I can kill you before you could even shoot me,"

Shinya shrugged, "Hmm you do have a point, vampire; however, you should be careful now. I guess I am no match for you,"

Shinya turned his back and disappeared among the other JIDA members. Did Shinya just abandon (Y/n)?! (Y/n) was both perplexed at Shinya's response and hurt to see him walk off.

Ferid smiled, "That was just too easy! Now, come here (Y/n). Do not keep me waiting,"

(Y/n) took one last glance to where Shinya disappeared letting out a defeated sigh, as she took a step towards Ferid. Yuu felt the urge to pull (Y/n) back, but he was stunned that Shinya was not going off to save (Y/n) after her confession.

Before (Y/n) could arrive to Ferid's side, a loud ringing shot was heard, as blood was splattered all over (Y/n). Mika's eyes widened at the sight of how bloodied (Y/n) looked. Yuu shouted, "(Y/n)!"

Luckily, it was not her own blood, but Ferid's. Some of the drops of blood had managed to get on (Y/n)'s choker. The choker quickly deactivated and fell to the ground. Ferid clutched at the gun wound near his chest in pain. The noble snarled, "You may be free now, (Y/n), but I will be back for the one who did this! Retreat!"

Crowley and a few other vampires immediately assisted the wounded Ferid, as they all quickly left the field. Yuu was relieved when he realized it was not (Y/n) who got shot. Mika gave one last glance at Yuu and (Y/n) before he vanished. Yuu felt inclined to call out to Mika, but now was not the time.

Guren smirked to himself, "What took him so long?"

Shinya suddenly appeared behind the ranks of the other JIDA soldiers with his rifle. He had a look of triumph on his face and chuckled, "Sorry if that took awhile! It's all about accuracy,"

(Y/n)'s face lit up at the sight of Shinya. She beamed, "Shinya! You shot Ferid!"

Shinya grinned, "Of course, who else did you think it was? I did tell that vampire to be careful did I not?"

(Y/n) hugged Shinya in relief and sighed, "I really thought you left me without putting up a fight.."

Shinya looked shock, "Leave you with that vampire?! Never in any life time would I ever abandon you to the likes of him. I am surprised you would think of me like that.."

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