✧Chapter 5 : Warring Souls✧

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"Yes, your majesty?"

"I would love it if you dropped the formalties, but Ferid has been telling me that you have been quite close with his pet..."

"....I have done no such."

"...And you won't after I find her."


Krul figured Mika still has emotional attachment towards (Y/n), after turning him into a vampire. She is puzzled by how his human affections are still in tact when she has been trying to teach Mika the ways of being a vampire. Krul ran two fingers up Mika's chest sighing disappointedly, "You really need to let go of those humane desires you have for that livestock. Those desires that you harbor are vampire desires - you only want her blood, Mika."

Mika just gave Krul a cold stare, he knew she was trying to persuade him into her hands. Krul then offered, "Anyways, drink my blood, Mika. You must be famished.."

The blond vampire shook his head, "I am fine."

Krul's gaze darkened, "Fine? You never go a day without my blood. Did you drink from that livestock?"

Mika calmly replied, "No, I will return to my room if you have nothing else to discuss,"

Krul mocked, "Oh I do have such matters to discuss. An army of filthy humans called the Moon Demon Company are advancing and rallying against us vampires. Those humans are not just weak humans, they are able to obtain inhumane power from demons. I have no idea how they are capable of that, but once again like I have said, those humans are just disgusting with their experiments. To think that they have the guts to fight our vampire kins..... You do know what this calls for, right? War. Let the vampire-human war begin!"

Without knowing that he will soon meet Yuu on the battlefield, Mika's only priority was to keep (Y/n) safe from both vampires and humans alike...

(Y/n) was in her quarters, patiently waiting for Mika to appear. As curiosity got the best of her, she opened her door to only find a letter and some kind ointment on the ground. (Y/n) peered around, before picking both the contents up and going back inside, locking the door as she does. (Y/n) skims through the letter, as she realizes it's from Lacus and Rene.

It is I, Lacus Welt, writing this to you and also on behalf of Rene. I apologize for Rene's scratch on you. He just does not trust Mika one bit, even though we too, were once human long ago. He thinks that humans are greedy and dangerous. Rene also has a hard time expressing himself, so I hope you understand. I also bought an ointment to treat the scratch. It will heal immediately after applying it. Also, next time, let me have a taste of your blood rather than Mika! I was quite envious seeing how he sucked your blood.. See you around~

Talk about being unexpected, (Y/n) never would expect Lacus to apologize or even go to great lengths to get her an ointment. Maybe (Y/n)'s view on vampires may change....

She opened the ointment bottle and used her finger to apply a weird non-scent waxy substance onto the scratch. It burned at first, but the scratch was soon disappearing in front of her eyes. Her skin regenerated in a matter of a couple of seconds, becoming new again. (Y/n) was amazed at the unknown ointment's result. Then, an abrupt knock was heard.

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