✧Chapter 4 : Poison Envy✧

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"You say that Mika did not touch you, (Y/n)?"

"Mika was never near me, Ferid.."

Ferid slowly paced around a slightly nervous (Y/n) with a dangerous stare. The noble's scarlet red eyes glowed brightly, as he restrained his fury at the thought of Mika touching his (Y/n). His lips were pressed into a thin line, until he slurred, "Then tell me..-"

He grabbed (Y/n) by both of her shoulders, in a flash, closing in on her with only an inch away from her lips.

"-Why do I smell Mika's scent on your sinfully cute lips?"

(Y/n)'s blood turned cold, as she realized she cannot fool Ferid any longer. She remained in silence, avoiding Ferid's glare. The noble snickered, "My, my, my, (Y/n), you should know by now that I can see through all lies. Please do not make me have to harm your Mika~"

In panic, (Y/n) retorted, "Leave Mika out of this, please!"

Ferid sighs dramatically, "Why are you so defensive about Mika, but never about me? I am quite jealous..."

(Y/n) stammered, "B-but Ferid, do you not know that Crowley forced himself onto me, while you were away?"

Ferid scoffed, "Of course I do, dear. You think that I would let him get away with it just because he is one of my good buddies? Nonsense. To think that his vile fangs had a sip of your holy blood..... I will torture him, myself."

Ferid then unwrapped (Y/n)'s bandaged neck, as his smirk grew wider, "Hm, I think I should reclaim all the places where they have touched you and show everyone that you are mine."

(Y/n) pleaded with tears dripping down her eyes, "Please, do not hurt me....."

Ferid laughs with no sympathy, "I am a sadist, my dear. Pain is my fun. Your cute crying face turns me on~"

The noble sank his fangs into the spot where Crowley bit her. (Y/n) felt the anger from Ferid's bite, as he fiercely deepened his fangs into her veins. (Y/n) let out a yelp in pain. She clutched onto Ferid, sobbing, "It hurts.... I lost a lot of blood already..."

After several gulps of (Y/n)'s savory blood, Ferid licked the wound clean and pushed her into his bed. (Y/n) was about to sit up in the bed, but Ferid was on top of her in no less than a few seconds. The vampire noble grinned wickedly at (Y/n)'s blushing vulnerable body underneath him. Ferid cooed, "Stop making such an adorable expression, (Y/n)~ Or I will be very rough with you soon~"

(Y/n) squirmed under his grasp, as Ferid grabbed both of (Y/n)'s wrists together with one hand. His other hand trailed down her livestock uniform dress'. (Y/n) shivered at his touch, as she cursed her body feeling so weak to Ferid. The vampire noble's hand then stopped at (Y/n)'s inner thigh and rubbed her skin there in soft circular motions. Ferid saw that (Y/n) was holding in her moans and cries with her tear-stained face. With dissatisfaction, Ferid then bit (Y/n)'s lips into a messy heated kiss. (Y/n) felt the vampire's lustful tongue enter her mouth, wrestling with her tongue. She let out a soft moan with Ferid's lips still on her lips, as Ferid growled, still unsatisfied of how quiet (Y/n)'s moans were.

The silver haired vampire parted his lips from (Y/n)'s, letting his tongue glide over to the other side of (Y/n)'s neck. Ferid softly bit and sucked on the unbitten skin, leaving a hickey there. (Y/n)'s panting increased into ragged breaths, as she held in her moans. As Ferid slowly pressed himself onto (Y/n), (Y/n) felt something hard poke her lower region. (Y/n) squeaked, as Ferid leered, "Your fault for being so cute, (Y/n)~ I won't go easy~"

(Y/n) could not count how many times Ferid kissed her or where Ferid has touched her with his one hand. (Y/n)'s moans were more louder now, as Ferid lewdly grinds his clothed body on her. Her body felt pleasure, her mind felt numb, but her heart felt guilt. Ferid started to undress himself, as he could not wait any longer when a knock was heard at the door. The silver haired noble cursed under his breath at whomever was at the door, as he dresses himself back.

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