♡Yuu Ending: Sharp Perseverance

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It took a long time before I realized what I really wanted. Even though I did say I was not interested in finding a love interest, one cannot help, but fall in love along the ride.

(Y/n) felt her heart pounding against her chest, as she boldly stood on the battlefront and claimed, "I... will not go with you, Ferid - I will stay here with Yuu.."

Everyone's eyes were on (Y/n) as low fervent whispers were heard from the Moon Demon Company. Yuu stood dumbfounded, as he tried to believe the words that came out (Y/n)'s mouth. Did that mean (Y/n) has such feelings for him as he does with her? Yuu had planned to confess to her first, but it seems like (Y/n) beat him to it.

Mika's eyes twitched. The blond vampire felt something inside his chest that slightly pained him. Of course, he should have foresighted this possible outcome ever since they were little - Yuu's vigorous determination to ultimately protect (Y/n) and how (Y/n) always worried and nagged about Yuu, while Mika was just there...

Ferid's frown turned into a leering smile, "What a strange turn of events... Here I thought you'd rather much submit yourself to me to be with Mika. I guess Mika is too vampiric in his ways with you. You are after all a human."

(Y/n) glanced at a pained Mika; however, Mika avoided (Y/n)'s eyes by looking far off into the distance. (Y/n) now felt torn apart between Mika and Yuu. From the start it was always between Mika and Yuu in who (Y/n) favored more. She actually loved both, but in the end she loved one more than the other. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Yuu met his gaze with Mika and a stiff cold staring contest went between them. Yuu could almost feel Mika's frustration and sense of betrayal. It was never meant to be like this. The three of them will never be together as three with these feelings of repent and tension.

Going to the front ranks conflicted, Yuu brandished his demon-weapon and impulsively challenged Ferid, "I want to challenge you to a duel, vampire! You took everything away from me!"

In Yuu's mind it was a mess. His demon was taunting him in exchange to take over his body and fight Ferid. Yuu was trying hard to be rational, but he could not help but feel his blood boil just seeing that disgusting vampire noble.

Ferid scoffed, "You think you can match yourself to fight a noble like me? Come here Mika. Fight for me. If you injure Mika enough I will release the choker around (Y/n)."

Yuu's angered expression turned into a confused one, as Mika wordlessly approached Yuu. A tense atmosphere surrounded them. Mika silently wielded his sword in a nonchalant fashion and looked directly into Yuu's green eyes with a blank face. Yuu dryly gulped before muttering, "Mika..."

Mika's soft voice suddenly entered Yuu's mind, "Everything is under control.. You'll see,"

The blond vampire lunged towards Yuu in vampiric speed, but Yuu blocked his attack in the nick of time. Their swords slid off each other, as Yuu did not dare to attack. Yuu was on defense. Mika relentlessly kept attacking Yuu just enough to not wound or tire him. Yuu was unsure of what Mika's plan until Mika's voice was heard in his head,

"Drive your sword through me,"

Yuu answered back through his mind,

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