✧Chapter 2 : Fated Changes✧

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"(Y/n), I am going to save everyone here from the vampires. I will make sure we all escape here one day."

Yuu..... I'm sorry.

If only (Y/n) knew the fate that was bestowed on her new found family a bit sooner..

She would not have lost them all.

Although Mika, Yuu, and herself managed to survive the 'escapade' of fleeing Sanguinem, it was at a costly price upon their siblings' deaths. It was a gory and heartbreaking memory that haunts (Y/n)'s dreams. A night that she will always remember no matter what. She felt so helpless at that time and was constricted with endless guilt and shame. As small human children, they stood no chance against a supernatural being...


"Yuu! We are almost there!"

"Wow! This seems too good to be true!"

"The day has finally come!"

"We are all getting out of here like Yuu said!"

After that night of (Y/n) lending her blood to Ferid, Mika soon realized that Ferid was also feeding on (Y/n)'s blood as well as his. His blood boiled at the thought of Ferid sucking (Y/n)'s blood and not giving her anything, like food, in return. With determined effort, Mika visited Ferid's place and managed to steal a gun and a map with a possible escape route out of Sanguinem. It was about time for them to leave this place. Yuu was right, they cannot stay here any longer... It was risky.

He showed the map to (Y/n), Akane, Yuu, and the other children excitedly. They decided to set the plan in motion once most of the vampire guards were off their shifts. Mika handed Yuu the gun and encouraged, "You have always been the hope for us, Yuu. Be strong."

All the younger children were excited at the thought of freedom just before their fingertips. They set off, avoiding the main streets of Sanguinem, following the map in haste. As they neared the exit, a sense of dread fills (Y/n). At the exit, waiting for them patiently, was none other than Ferid.

Ferid smirked, "Oh my~ Do the livestocks think they could actually escape? That is such a preposterous idea! Funny how they fell right into my trap. What a pity."

Mika went speechless with his blue orbs wide open. Yuu gripped the gun tightly, as he glared at the noble vampire in hatred. (Y/n) dropped to her knees, as she knew this was not going to end well. She begged Ferid with pleading eyes, "Please, Master Ferid..! Spare the lot of us! We will never do this again!"

Ferid raised an eyebrow, but laughed hollowly, "You are such a cute livestock.. Of course, I will spare you. As for the others......."

Mika quickly realized what Ferid was going to do as he loudly screamed, "RUN!"

The younger ones of the group dispersed in panic, as they scrambled for the exit. But, none of them made it, as one by one their life flashed before their eyes with their blood drained or body brutally torn by Ferid. (Y/n) shrieked, "NO!"

A waterfall of tears spilled from her eyes as the sight of her newly found family was killed right before her. Akane was slashed horribly by Ferid, as her blood splattered onto (Y/n)'s clothes and face. The heavy stench of metallic blood fills the air. (Y/n) was getting queasier by the minute, as the world went slow...

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