Three years later: Chapter 9

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I'm sixteen.

Papyrus is eleven.

We've moved to capital, everything is different. I hardly remember anyone at Snowdin... We're all trapped underground, and I'm starting to help out him at the lab now... But the terrible things he's done.

I can't keep it trapped inside. But If I tell anyone he will use Papyrus as... a-as a... lab rat. 

I avoid talking to anyone, but if I do I pretend to be a happy, normal, sixteen year old monster; making good jokes- I mean bad jokes. The jokes keep me motivated, they remind me of mom. If only she was still here... Did she agree to the experimenting? I don't think so.

Saturday morning, I was sleeping on the couch, after an entire night of lab experiments

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Saturday morning, I was sleeping on the couch, after an entire night of lab experiments. We were figuring out how to crack the barrier, and we think we have it. Seven human souls trapped us right? Seven needed to break it. Simple. Every night Dad keeps me up figuring how we can attract human here, like they would ever come to a mountain with a giant hole in it. 

But plan B is wait. If a human falls down here, hopefully a child, because their DETERMINATION is stronger, and their SOUL's are much more stable. They are also very gullible, easy to manipulate because... We need them to stay down here and not cause ANY harm to monsters.

Papyrus has his friend Undyne and Alphys over, Alphys is downstairs with my dad learning about DETERMINATION. A substance every human has.

In order to understand DETERMINATION, you must first understand the human's SOUL.

Every human has it's traits, and one dominate one. We need at least these seven dominate traits:

Justice, kindness, patience, integrity, perseverance, bravery and determination.

Each human has enough determination to keep on existing outside of it's vessel. It leaves... Like a scorch mark in the Earths history. A monster has the power to obtain a humans SOUL, after killing the human. The monster will then have the power to destroy and entire country. 

Monsters dissolve in dust, spreading like pollen across the land. That's because DETERMINATION does not exist inside of them, but the memory is still there.

But if a monster is given DETERMINATION, it will have enough power to proceed after death, in another slightly more powerful form. But the process was never tested.

But that's whats sons and their friends are for right? 

Undyne and I both have glowing eyes. A sign affect of DETERMINATION, but I have a huge overdose. One health point. Incredibly weak, and not able to proceed after death; but my power in outstanding. 

I still wish I didn't have this.


I'm on the couch, watching Undyne and Papyrus watch -=(!)=- The Blook's Classic Ghost music-=(!)=-  A little one, about Papyrus age was rocking the stage, but he was still very shy. Papyrus was amazed and happy as always, I need him to be. Without my little ray of sunshine, what would I have to keep the storm away?

They think I'm asleep, they should. I'm always watching Papyrus, I keep an eye socket out for him, especially with his friends. Undyne was always teasing Papyrus, but he doesn't mind. He's really sweet. 

I teleport silently outside, walking the busy streets of the capital. I had nothing else to do.


Suddenly I see a strange stand to the left of me. A girl slightly younger than me, with five eyes, six arms, and pig tails; she is sitting at her own- I assume, little bake sale with a small sign saying:

-=(!)=- Proceeds go to REAL spiders -=(!)=-

"Hello mister skeleton sir! Do you want to buy something? Proceeds go to real spiders!" She cheerfully says. "Sure kid, what have you got?" I ask her, looking at the table in front of me. "Oh! We got donuts, cupcakes and r-red tea!" She smiles sweetly. 

I hand her some money for a cupcake, and she hands me a flyer for it as well. It looks very well hand drawn.

As I eat the cupcake, I walk along the streets of the capital, when I hear a lady yell: 


I run towards the voice, which leads me to a dark alleyway on the edge of the city. 

I see a dinosaur woman with spikes along her back, and a...


"H-hel-lo S-sans" He grins. He looks just like me, except slightly demented. "Let the lady go... Or you're going to have a bad time!" I growl. "O-O-K-kay. Feisty... Much like the other's... Ink said you where his favorite, but I need to teach you how t-t-hese t-things work" He say while letting the lady go.

"C-c'mon P-pal... Smile."

"What do you want?" I question, feeling my eye glow

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"What do you want?" I question, feeling my eye glow. 

"Oh ho... Don't y-you s-see Sans? I'm an error. Just like the others, but he excepted me... Took me in... I wasn't supposed to know anything, but I r-realized, I-I h-had much more power than I expected. I c-could eliminate the others... but he keeps me r-restrained... S-so you c-can't-t h-help me" he laughs grimly. "Who?" I ask, prepared to strike at any moment.

"Oh! Your um... How should I put this... Other creator?" Shock filled me. He just smiles again. "So... he created us?" I ask. "Yes, but p-probably n-not safe to talk about here. Oh! Before you go... Get me some of that DETERMINATION, will you? An ounce will do." He leans against the wall. "Since... Your... Friend is this creator guy, why don't you ask him for DETERMINATION?" I smartly answer. "Not a question to ask here. Tell me, who do you think I am? Now let's go" he says before yanking my soul towards him, and teleporting us to a large yellow church. 

"This Sans, is the t-time l-limbo. N-not the one y-you know, but my- our h-home" His extends his hand out to me. "So", I say putting my hands in my pocket, "What can I call you?" I ask. He smiles and answers "E-r-r-o-r." 

"So, you do know about DETERMINATION right? Then you should know that every human has it. 

But here's the s-hocking b-bit. You aren't the only universe out there. T-there are countless... My personal  favorite is... HAHAHA! You don't even k-know wh-at we call your universe! W-well, let me tell you,  kiddo. Undertale" I listen for more. I hear a sound, like a door opening.

He's seem to forgotten about the DETERMINATION deal...

"Error... Another one of them has killed everyone again... I don't think I could take it anymore" I hear a broken up voice say. I ask Error quietly "Who is that?"  And he puches me out of the way, knocking me into a wall; but I go right through it, but I'm still able to see what's going on.

"Ink... Sh... Ink it's o-okay" I hear Error comfort the voice called 'Ink'. I'm filled with curiosity. 

I still eavesdrop on their conversation, listening to every word they say. 

"Error... Maybe we should just... I don't know, reset that timeline? I should make it different...?" I hear him sniff. He comes into view, revealing yet another, yet taller me.

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