Shattered: Chapter 24

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Error Sans' POV

I look out over the Multiverse, in the white void where I was once trapped. I keep a portal to my side open, so I don't get stuck here again. It's beautiful now- Ink made it the color of a galaxy. It really is pretty. I sigh and enter one of the universes. It needs fixing.

It's Underswap, a mistaken glitch. It was created when Ink was creating his first AU. It's a mistake, he doesn't mind me cleaning it up.

I'm underground, in Sans' and Papyrus' house. I see a very short Sans come out of his room and yell:

"HELLO! I'M SANS! NICE TO MEET YOU!" He runs downstairs and greets me, shaking my hand furiously.


"Heh, hey kid. Can I um... Is your brother here?" I ask him shyly. He's smiling and excited for his new friend. To bad I have to destroy the world. He shakes his head, "NO." He's still smiling, and blushing a bit. "Do you want some TACOS?" he asks jumping up and down. I don't really need to eat, since well, I'm basically immortal, but I'll take something to eat before this universe gets ERASED. "Sure" I say casually. He quickly goes to the kitchen and gets a couple of tacos. He hands one to me and starts eating some himself.


"NO PROBLEM!" He's jumping up and down, his face a light blue color below his eyes."I need to go" I say a little shy. He's so adorable. "Later!" He squeaks.

A get out of the universe, I decide to keep it. It's fine. I hear him yell: "PAPY! I FOUND A NEW FRIEND!"  Why do I feel... WAIT WHY AM I...!? Never mind...

I visit the other universes, making sure to go unseen. It really is beautiful, but they hurt me so bad. Sometimes my soul just... Feels like shattering, but I have to hold together, otherwise the entire universe will shatter. I... That escalated quickly.

I think about the little blueberry in the universe Ink named Underswap, and give him a nickname. I give everyone nicknames, it helps me remember their personality and how they look like. Like UnderFell, I give the Sans there a nickname too- Edge, or edgy. He has a red jacket and- you don't care do you. You can just replace this multiverse with another. HA. In YOUR multiverse, all of this seems like a game. Well, anything can happen in this multiverse. 

That's right. I'm talking to you. I wish this was the only Multiverse. Everything is so... Beautiful... You don't know what it's like, to be in control of EVERYTHING- but you want it all to end. I shouldn't be the leader. But that's why I'm going to restart and ERASE everything that's left.

I see Chara come into the judgement hall, and she's mad, almost crying. "I... I could of destroyed my... Asriel..." she clenches her fists, and I walk towards her. "Finally... My little glitch" I grin and she looks up, scolding at me. "YOU made my life HELL didn't you!?" She screeches. She comes at me with her fists, but I stop her, attaching strings to her SOUL, and tug tightly on it, bringing her closer to me, and she's off guard. "Tsk tsk tsk... You can't kill me... But you can defeat- NOT KILL, my brother. Attack me again, and I'll torture you" I'm smiling and she's terrified. "Whatever" She says before snapping the strings that I attached to her. Ignorant. That could have killed her.

"So... What do you want me to do?" Chara asks folding her arms. "I just DIED, and ended up here. You told me I could have the power to destroy anything. So, what do I do?" I could tell she's bored. "You need to take the life of a thousand or more monsters" my eyes flare, and they hurt.

Ignore the pain.

"Sounds fun" her eyes melt, which is a sign that she's becoming more used to being a glitch. Chara's a wonderful glitch. Power... beauty... and strength. She'll be perfect for ERASING. 

"Error..." I hear my brothers voice, he's right behind Chara, ready to move at any point. "You filthy LIAR!" He traps Chara against the wall, having her almost chocking. "Ink I...!" He has tears in his eyes. "A child!? A HUMAN child!? Error! This can KILL us both!?" Chara joins into the conversation. "Oh really?" She's escaped from Ink's trap, and the battle begins.

Ink slams me against the wall, yelling at me to stay out of this. Chara is only twelve! She has no chance against a being older than time. 

Ink uses twenty of his Gaster Blasters, and Chara dodges them all. He throws everyhting at her, left, right, even below her. She has a knife in her pocket- I don't know how it got there. Chara keeps on trying to land a hit on Ink, and I keep on trying to escape his trap. He's going to DIE, it's a glitch, she will just... Escape either way. Soon enough, Chara catches Ink off guard.

And I see Chara drive her knife through my brothers body.

"INK!" I screech, tears in my eyes. I escape his trap, and Chara is standing there, a soulless creature. "Ink..." I hold my dying brother in my arms, feeling angry, horrified, and... very sad. His 'blood' stains the ground of the pure clean yellow tiles of the judgement hall. My own brother, dying in my own arms. "Error... I..." He smiles, tears in his eyes, he's in as much pain as I'm in. "I got defeated by a twelve year old... Protect them" and that's it. He turns into dust. All I have is his brown scarf.

"You...!" Chara's behind me, smirking. 

"Heh... I guess I'M not the sinful one here"

"You... KILLED MY ONLY FAMILY!" I trap her into the obiss, where she can only be awakened when a great calling calls.


After that, I just sit down. Stare off into the galaxy. And then a universe...


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