The glitch: Chapter 22

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Error Sans' POV

I walk towards the fallen girl, time stopping itself. I grin, as she stays starring. "W-who are you!? OW!" She winces. I give her my hand and she takes it.

"Your life has been hell, hasn't it?" I ask her, still smiling. She nods her head slowly, and asks "W-what do you want?" letting go of my hand. "You can have the power to destroy everything. Life is pointless, this is all just a huge GAME. Created by my brother. Now if you want the power to... ERASE, give me some of your... DETERMINATION"  she thinks about it, and agrees.

"Now, just cut yourself" she stares- but she pick up a rock, and drags it through her skin. "H-here" she hold out her hand, oozing with DETERMINATION. I squeeze out all I can, making her yelp in pain. "Bye kid" I say before leaving and restarting time. 

She collapses to the ground, clutching her arm, as the young prince follows her cries of pain.


Ignorant BRAT. So young... He doesn't know what the future has in store...

Chara... A beautiful name for a demon. Thank you for the DETERMINATION, Chara. Now I can finally make you stronger than ever before...


I tamper with the DETERMINATION, spreading to Chara's... I don't know. She looks like her, but is the most opposite. She... I see her as a very DETERMINED person.

A few months later, she is thriving. I visit her while she is asleep, in her dreams. Give her a taste of LOVE. (Level of violence)

Chara loves it. The little glitch LOVES it. She knows what she must do... Tomorrow  is...

T-t-t-TORI's birthday!? 

I... I remember her... She... She's gone thanks to me... We were supposed to be the kingdom of superiors... But I killed them ALL. It felt good... But I hated it. I hated it so bad. I remember the look on her face when the bones went straight through her chest. She smiled. And said something- but I don't remember. I was full of rage and lust. I hated everything. Her smile though... She still believed in me... Ink was able to hold me off but...


Stop ERROR! None of that matters... There are hundreds of Tori's... And only one of me... I'm alone... I'm ALONE... Just like in the void I... 


I hear Ink enter the JUDGEMENT HALL, and he' stomping. Oh no... He's mad. "ERROR! YOU STUPID LITTLE! Ugh..."He yells. He walks towards me,  anger in his eyes. "There's a glitch in ALL of the universes, and my 'sources' tell me it was YOU!" He gets in my face, and I grin. "Well, it wasn't me" I shrug my shoulders. "GAH!" He paces up and down, his brush cast aside from his straps."I know you're lying... But things like these...The can kill US!" he seems to have tears in his eyes. "I... I just don't want to lose you again..." He sinks to the floor, and puts his head in his hands.  I don't feel anything, I'm just a soulless husk. I can't feel love anymore.

"haha" I laugh, paying attention to his paints almost sliding down. "What?" He asks, blushing a rainbow color. "Y-your paints" I laugh, sinking to the floor as well. He struggles to get them fixed, and then burst out laughing.

This is how brothers are supposed to ACT. I can't even believe we lost all of our... Never mind. 

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