Chapter One

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I am so deeply sorry that this took a while to edit. But since I was only editing on this site and not on a Word document, I lost everything when I left my computer on and went to work last night. I lost all of the work that I was doing with this chapter and it made me so sad..... but at least I had the first couple of paragraphs on word saved. Stupid laptop needing to update D:<

Anyways..... to duh story.

***EDITED:  (19/05/2018)***

A herd of different types of animals were making their way South, due to it being migrating season for all those animals, all except for two animals that is.

A sabretooth tiger and a mammoth, an unlikely due to be travelling together. Especially since one of them has razor sharp claws and teeth for piercing pray. And that could kill you within seconds.

The duo was walking against the herd of many animals, making them walk around the two in fear and confusion. Wondering why a saber was travelling with a mammoth and why they were travelling against them, instead with them.

As the duo continued to walk against the herds of many animals, they managed to bump into a family accidentally. Though the father that was obviously leading the small group grew frustrated at the two animals in front of him.

"Hey! Do the world a favour! More your issues off the road!" The father yelled at both the duo.

"If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal." The mammoth snarled, getting into the fathers face.

"Manny?!!" The saber squeaked, appalled by her adoptive brothers behaviour. But to her luck, he ignored her. 

"Give me a break." The father stuttered. "We've been waddling all day." The father gestured behind him towards his family.

The two adoptive siblings looked behind the father and saw a mother and her kids, standing at least an arms length away. The kids were hiding behind their mother once their eyes landed on the female saber. This caused a frown to appear on her face as she saw this.

"Oh, go ahead. Follow the crowed." Manny said sarcastically as he started moving. "It'll be quieter when you're gone." Manny finished before he started to walk away, leaving the family behind standing in shock.

"You coming, Sarabi?" Manny spoke questioning his adoptive sister, once he noticed that she hasn't moved a muscle since they got stopped by the family.

"Oh, um.... coming Manny." Sarabi stuttered out, before running to catch up with her adoptive brother.

~Le Mini Time Skip: Brought to you by Scrats Love for Acorns~

The two adoptive siblings were standing on a cliffs edge, simply enjoying the peace and quiet and the view. The view was simply breath taking in Sarabi's eyes, though Manny was just simply enjoying the quiet as he no longer needs to deal with other animals.

But fate seemed to not be on Manny's side as something slammed into him from behind. 

"Hey!" Manny exclaims, turning around, only to see a Sloth.

"Just pretend that I'm not here." The Sloth said as two Rhinos came charging towards them, causing the Sloth to let out a gasp and hide behind Manny, due to Manny being a lot taller than the rhinos.

"Oh man, I wanted to hit him at full speed." The Rhino on the right whined.

"That's okay Frank. We'll have some fun with him." The other Rhino reassured to the one now known as "Frank".

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