Chapter Four

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I'm so sorry that it is taking a while to edit this book. I'm moving out into my fathers place so packing is just eating up my time to edit my chapters

***EDITED: 18/06/2018***


"What are you doing? Just drop it on the ledge." Manny said to Sid. 

After hearing what her brother had said to Sid, Sarabi couldn't help but to roll her eyes at her brothers comment. But what made Sarabi's mouth drop in anger, was when she saw that Sid did exactly what Manny told him to do. 

 Which was throwing Roshan up onto the ledge.

"Wait, shouldn't we make sure that they found him?" Sid questioned, causing Manny and Sarabi to look at each other before Manny held a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Good idea." Manny mischievously said.

Sarabi watched in amusement as Manny grabbed Sid by the neck with his trunk and threw him up towards the rather small hill. Sarabi let out a snicker when she heard Sid yelling something along the lines of spearing him or something.

"Oh, this is a problem." Sid said nervously causing Manny and Sarabi to look at each other confused before walking up.

"Now what?" Manny asked before taking in the site that is in front of him before groaning. "Oh, that's just perfect." Manny groaned, just as Sarabi came into view and gasped.

"What happened here?" Sarabi questioned quietly knowing that both Manny and Sid heard her.

"Beats me." Manny said causing Sarabi to sigh sadly.

Both the siblings started walking around the abandoned and burnt campsite, looking at each and different things. For Sarabi though, she was remembering things in her past. Even if this wasn't exactly the same campsite she was used to seeing the humans at, it was still home to her.

Her home that Runar and Nadia had gratefully let her live with them and their small group of warriors. Even though she was a Saber, they treated her as an equal when they saw that she wasn't a threat. 

Sarabi remembered all of the things that happened over a year ago when she went on her own for a while before she caught back up with Manny. From saving Nadia from a pack of angry Sabers to Nadia giving birth to Roshan. 

Looking sadly down at her chest where she saw her necklace that Runar and Nadia gave her in hopes for her to return to them one day. The necklace that was around her neck represented and symbolised friendship and family. Sighing sadly to herself, knowing that she will never forget about their kindness towards her. 

Looking over towards where her brother was and saw that he was standing right in front of Roshan, who was hugging his little bed with a small smile on his face. Sarabi couldn't help but to smile sadly knowing that Roshan will never grow up with his mother, Runar has lost his wife and most importantly Sarabi has lost her best friend.

"I told you they were gone." A voice stated, pulling Sarabi out of her thoughts.

Sarabi looked over towards where she had heard the voice and mentally groaned, as she saw who the voice had belonged to. 

'Diego? What is he doing here?' She thought.

"Well look who it is." Manny groaned, making Sarabi giggle quietly to herself. "Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel?" Manny questioned.

"Well they couldn't have gone far. I mean, they went this way, or this way?" Sid mumbled as he walked through the group making Sarabi smile softly at Sid.

"You don't know much about tracking, do you?" Diego stated, with an raise brow.

"Hey, I'm a sloth. I see a tree, eat a leaf. That's my tracking." Sid said snapping a stick (that he had somehow found) in half.

"You didn't miss them by much." Diego said, picking up a stick with a little green leaf on it. "It's still green. They headed north two hours ago." Diego finished thinking that what he said could (hopefully) impress Sarabi.

"It's still green. They headed north two hours ago." Sid mocked Diego by putting the snap branch in his mouth as he mocked Diego. 

Roshan laughs at Sid's impression on Diego and claps his hands together. But since he did that, he fell backwards onto something which had a piece of fish on it and was thrown onto Manny's face. Causing Manny to furrow his eyes together as Sarabi and Roshan giggled at how funny Manny looked.

"You don't need this aggravation." Diego said walking up behind the baby. "Give me the baby. I can track humans down a lot faster than you can." Diego finished causing Sarabi to growl in annoyance.

'Um hello! Saber right here!' Sarabi thought annoyed, as she mentally rolled her eyes.

"And you're just a good citizen helping out right? Besides I've got Sarabi here to track." Manny said looking down at his best friend who was staring intensely at Diego.

"I just know where the humans are going." Diego said as he pulled Roshan towards him.

"Glacier Pass." Sarabi spoke up causing both Diego and Manny to look at her. "Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side." Sarabi finished, just as Manny picked Roshan up and moved him in front of Sarabi.

"Well unless you know the way, you'll never reach them before the snow closes the pass. Which should be, like, tomorrow. So, you can give me that baby to me, or go get list in the blizzard. It's your choice." Diego said causing Sarabi to frown.

'Can we really trust this guy? I don't think that we should. But what do I know? I can't judge a Saber by its personality. For all I know he really does wantto give Roshan back to Runar. Maybe I should be weary of him from now.' Sarabi thought narrowing her eyes at the male saber that's in front of her.

Manny looks at Sarabi, before looking back down at Roshan and picked him up and passed him over Diego's head and into Sid's arms. Sarabi sighed in relief as she thought Manny was going to give Roshan to the Saber for a second.

"Here's your little bundle of joy. We're returning it to the humans." Manny said making Sarabi smile, as they both started walking away.

"Aw, the big, bad tigey-wigey gets left behind. Poor tigey-wigey." Sid cooed as he rubbed Diego's nose. 

"Sid, tigey-wigey is gonna lead the way with Sarabi." Manny said making Diego smirk at Sid's frozen wide-eyed state.

"Uh, uh, Manny, Sarabi, can I... can I talk to you two for a second?" Sid asked walking fast towards the two retreating animals. The said animals turned around.

"No. The sooner we find the humans, the sooner I can get rid of Mr Stinky Drool-Face, and the baby, too." Manny said making Sarabi laugh as she continued to walk along side with Manny.

"Hey, uber-tracker! Up front, where I can see you." Manny yelled back causing Sarabi to let out a giggle.

But Sarabi couldn't help feel something in the bottom pit of her stomach. Something that always happens when she doesn't feel right with something. And that something this time just so happens to be the other Saber. Sarabi couldn't pin point it, but she for some reason couldn't trust this Saber. Whatever it is, she's going to figure it out, one way or another.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I though we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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