Chapter Fifteen

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***EDITED: 24/06/2018***

~On the previous chapter~

She watched happily as her brother turned around and started heading back. But that happiness was soon replaced with horror as she watched the ice finally cracked and broke off, taking Manny with it down to the lava.



No longer able to keep herself up, Sarabi collapsed to the ground in pain, sadness and anger.

'Why? Why did you have to go so soon?' Sarabi thought as a tear slipped from her eyes, making their way down her checks before falling and hitting the ground.

It was quiet for a while as the group sat in silenced for their fallen comrade. But that silence was cut short, as the ground started to shake causing the group to look over and saw Manny shooting up like a rocket into the air before falling again.

But this time Manny landed in front of the group with a harsh thud, causing Sarabi to stumble a bit and knocked into Diego, who was still on the ground. Diego let out an 'omff' sound as he felt Sarabi fall on him.

Sparks seemed to flow through-out his body as soon as Sarabi fell on him, but disappointment followed once he felt Sarabi quickly getting off of him before heading over to her brother. But not before giving him a 'sorry' lick to the cheek.

"Manny, Manny, Manny are you okay???" Sid asked as he set Roshan down just as Sarabi joined them. "Come on, say something! Anything!!" Sid exclaimed.

Manny did end up saying something, though it was mumbled and muffled. Hope rose in Sarabi's chest hearing the mumbling.

"You're stan-ding.. on m-my... tru-trunk." Manny manged to breath out sounding in a little pain.

Sarabi confused, looked down and saw that Sid was in fact, standing on Manny's trunk. Panicking, Sarabi pushed Sid off of her brothers trunk, who let out a 'omf' when he hit the ground with a soft thud.

Gasping and breathing in much needed air, Manny finally opened his eyes, glad that he can breath again.

"Oh, you're okay!! You're okay!!" Sid exclaimed from his position on the ground. 

Sarabi rubbed her head against Manny's trunk as tears streamed down her face, scared and happy.

"I thought I lost you." She cried, causing Manny to rub her head gently, telling her that he's there and that he's not going anywhere.

"Why did you do that?" Diego asked gaining everybody's attention. "You could've died trying to save me." He finished softly.

"That's what you do in a herd... You look out for each other." Manny replied.

After hearing Manny's reply, caused his heart to clench. A herd? He's never felt more wanted ever since his mother died. His pack doesn't seem to really care about him, so having another one that cares about him warms his heart.

"I don't know about you guys, but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen." Sid commented causing everyone to let out a chuckle.

"We may be the weirdest herd...." Sarabi started causing everyone to look at her. "but I seriously wouldn't have it any other way." She said causing everyone to smile. "We are a family even if we are from different species." She finished with a smile as she gazed around her new family.

Letting her eyes rest on Diego who was already looking at her with a small smile on his face, causing Sarabi's cheeks to heat up. Praying that it wasn't noticeable to anyone, for she was starting to view Diego as more than a friend. 


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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