Chapter Nineteen

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Hello beautiful people of der interwebs :P 

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed that cliffhanger from der last chapter, I know it was a bit of a shock to most of you to find out that Soto was actually Sarabi's sibling.

I honestly enjoy each and every single one of your comments but sadly this book has only like one or two more chapters to go before it is completely finished.

I love you all and I hope that you enjoy this sad chapter, even though I didn't make it as sad as I hoped for, because I may or may not have rushed it in order to finally edit this book.

***EDITED: 25/06/2018***


But Soto stopped in his tracks once he noticed two things. One of them being that Diego stood in front of Manny in a protective manner and the second thing he noticed caused a smirk to appear on his face causing Manny and Diego to look at him in confusion.

"Well, well, well. Diego." Soto started causing Diego to narrow his eyes at him. "I didn't know that the female saber that was travelling with, is none other than...... my sister."

~Continuing on with the story~

Sarabi felt her stomach lurch forwards as soon as those words were uttered from her birth brothers lips. She couldn't actually believe that he was standing in front of her after all these years.

Diego and Manny stood shocked staring at Sarabi in confusion. Diego not wanting this to be true looked back and forth from Sarabi the saber that he is in love with, to Soto the pack leader and saw exactly what he wished wasn't true. The resemblance that these two sabers show was more than enough to know that Soto was not lying.

Getting back on track Soto looked from his scared sister to Diego who was now standing in front of him and in front of Manny and Sarabi blocking Soto from getting too close to them.

"What are you doing?" Soto growled anger was clear in his tone as he glared at Diego for defying him.

"Leave - them - alone." Diego growled stating his protectiveness over the two, causing Soto to chuckle darkly at him making Sarabi flinch.

"You really expect me to leave them alone? After finding out that my sister is alive and not dead?" Soto chuckled once more before narrowing his eyes at Diego. 

"Yes." Diego said standing his ground.

"Fine then." Soto spoke, "Guess I'll have to take you down first." He snarled before Diego and him circled each other, seizing each other up, looking for a weak spot.

It wasn't too long when Soto and Diego clashed together in a fury of claws and biting at each other around the throat. It scared Sarabi to see the one she loves fight against her birth brother. But she knew that the brother that was once good, that loved her and that would always be there for her was gone and dead to her.

Sarabi watched in horror as Diego was tossed to the side like a rag doll. Making something inside of her to snap as she watched the one she loved struggle to get up as he birth brother slowly approached him ready to kill him.

Sarabi let out a fierce growl before running and pouncing on Soto's back, causing the male to look at her with surprised eyes as he saw his sister attacking him. 

As the fought, Sarabi was slowly growing tired which Soto took note of. 

Manny watched hopelessly as he watched his sister fight against her real brother, knowing that she was getting tired and soon would give up.

Diego who was still struggling to get up watch the two siblings fight with horror and pain. He knew that she was loosing stamina due to her chest rising and falling rapidly as she battled her brother.

One mistake on Sarabi's half caused Soto to get an opportunity to finally strike. Grabbing her by the throat, Soto flung her towards the wall making her hit it with a loud thud, causing the two males who were watching the fight, colour drain from their faces, as they watched her un-moving body.

Rage. That is all what Manny felt as he stalked up to Soto before hitting him so hard that he flew through the air before hitting the wall opposite to Sarabi where sharp icicles were hanging above Soto before they came crashing down onto his body.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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