Chapter Thirteen

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Hey guys really sorry that I didn't update when I said I was going to like a couple of months ago, but then I started to hang out with my boyfriend everyday, and he usually doesn't like it when I'm making fanfics when I'm spending time with him.

 Sorry that I've been slack with my updating, but here it is another chapter.

Also I have a question that I would like to ask you guys, the little quotes that I add at the end of the chapters, do you find them annoying to read every time? Do you even read them? If not it's okay, I mean it is the same quote over and over again

***EDITED: 24/06/2018***


After walking from the icy cavern, it was deathly quiet. The only sounds that could be heard was the pitta patter of feet hitting the ground and Roshan's little gurgles. Not even Sid, who is usually the one talking was being quiet.

It wasn't long until the group came upon a cave filled with paintings, of all sorts of animals and humans doing different activities. 

"Look, look. Tigers!" Sid exclaimed happily as he showed the child in his arms, pointing to the sabertooth tigers chasing after a herd of antelopes. 

Sid grimaced slightly as he realised what the tigers were gonna do to the antelope and it seemed like Roshan did too as he begin to whine slightly, causing Sid to panic.

"No, no. It's okay, it's okay." He tried to comfort the little boy, "Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope.... with their teeth." Sid finished with a grimaced as he said the last part failing miserably at trying to comfort the poor toddler.

"Come on Sid." Diego said as he came up behind the two, standing right behind him and whispered into his ear. "Let's play tag. You're it." Before walking away, causing Sid to chuckle nervously and moved on to another wall that covered more paintings.

"Okay, okay, where are the sloths?" Sid murmured to himself. "You know you never see any sloths in these things." He announced to the others who weren't even paying him any attention.

"Oh look, Manny!" Sid exclaimed as he caught sight of a certain painting, "A Mammoth!"

"Ooh, somebody pinch me." Manny spoke uninterested as he continued to walk with Sarabi.

"Hey, Sarabi, there's a Sabers here as well." Sid called out, which gained Sarabi's attention immediately as well as Manny's.

"Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you, Manny." Sid pointed out as he placed Roshan down, just as Diego joined the two. "And this Saber looks just like you Sarabi. Aw, they got a family." Sid cooed.

Both Sarabi and Manny looked at each other before turning around and slowly started to walk towards the three.

"And look, he's happy." Sid continued just as Sarabi and Manny joined their companions. "See, Manny that's your problem! That's what mammoths are supposed to do, find a she-mammoth and..." But Sid was cut off when Diego nudged him to shut him up noticing Manny's and Sarabi's eyes as they locked onto the painting of the family.

Sarabi could remember that day oh so dearly, it felt like it only happened yesterday, but in reality is was over a couple of years ago. That day, pain, loss and sadness was very vivid that day, the day where her family was taken from her. Looking closer she saw the two older Sabers and the little Saber. 

Her older brother and her younger sister, looked so happy that day. But it all came crashing down when the humans came and killed Manny's wife and son, as well as her little sister. Whereas her older brother ran away like a coward he was.

And to what? To the bad humans that where simply hunting them for sport! Though Sarabi will never admit it, she was scared and sad at the same time, remembering that cruel day right here and right now. Especially now that Diego now knows.

Yes Sarabi has started to taken a liking towards the male companion, though she will never admit it to anyone other then her brother, Manny.

Sighing to herself, both Manny and Sarabi exited out of memory lane with a few stray tears gliding down their checks.

"I miss them." Sarabi mumbled quietly to herself.

Manny, who heard looked down to his sister and sigh, he too misses his wife and child but it was the past and nothing can bring them back, nothing.

Reaching towards the drawing of his child and traced it, he felt Roshan's hands also feeling the painting. Retreating his trunk a little and looked down, Manny saw that Roshan gave a small sad gurgle not wanting Manny to be sad.

Wrapping his trunk around Roshan's waist and brought him closer to his face so that he can hug him as best as he can, before setting him down near Sarabi who was hugged by the little child.

Diego who was watching the exchanged looked back at the moral one last time and swore that he has seen the male Saber before but can't remember from where. Sighing one last time he got up and went over to Sarabi.

No word were exchanged between the two, Diego just simply cuddled with Sarabi keeping her some company.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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