Chapter Five

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***EDITED: 18/06/2018***

The four animals, all walked for a good few hours when Roshan started to cry. Causing all three of the males to let out groans of annoyance, except for Sarabi as she kept a straight face, not even phased at all by Roshan crying loudly.

Even as they all walked through a rocky passageway, Roshan continued to cry. Maybe it had to do with Sid holding him wrong, or maybe for the fact he was hungry.

"You got to make it stop. I can't take it anymore." Manny complained, getting annoyed as Roshan's crying was loud enough for it give someone a migraine.

"I've eaten things that didn't complain this much." Diego adds annoyed as he looked at Roshan.

Sarabi was the only one, completely blocking out the noise as she was used to Roshan crying about a year ago and other baby animals crying when she and Manny were passing the animals when they went North.

"He won't stop squirming." Sid struggled to say as Roshan continued to squirm in Sid's hold.

Sarabi, who zoned in and heard Sid struggling, looked over towards him and shook her head. Letting out a small sigh, Sarabi went over towards Sid and took Roshan out of his hold and placed Roshan on a flat rock gently.

Nuzzling Roshan, who let out a small giggle, causing the males to gaze at her in shock. Well Sid and Diego were more shocked than Manny. Manny gazed at his sister with a small smile playing on his lips as he watched Sarabi interact with Roshan. Knowing how well she is with kids, made him smile.

After a while of nuzzling, Sarabi moved away and started to gaze into Roshan's eyes causing all three of the males to now look at each other in confusion. Wondering why Sarabi is now gazing at Roshan like that, but what they didn't know is that, this is what Sarabi would do when Roshan would cry when Nadia wasn't around.

The three males continued to stare at Sarabi and Roshan as they both continued with their staring contest before the three males looked at each other, asking with their eyes. 'What the hell is she doing?' look on their faces.

At some point during the staring contest, both Sarabi and Roshan squints their eyes at each other, making Roshan coo up at Sarabi. Causing Sarabi to shake her head 'no'.

"Not happening boo." Sarabi cooed causing him to smile, but kept his gaze locked on her.

It wasn't too long after, when Roshan started to blink and looked away, whilst he rubbed his eyes, causing Sarabi to smirk knowing that she had won.

"I win." She said making Roshan glare up at her after he rubs his eyes.

"So that's why he was crying?" Manny asked confused yet relieved that the crying had stop.

The three behind them were relieved that Sarabi got Roshan to stop crying but they were also wondering how did she knew what to do.

"No that was not why he was crying Manny. He needs food. Plus, Sid was holding him wrong." Sarabi said glaring at Sid, making Manny knock Sid upside of the head.

As Sid let out a loud 'hey' the baby giggled. Causing a smile to appear on Sarabi's face, making Diego to gaze at her for a bit with a faint smile of his face. Thinking that Sarabi was great with kids and what it would be like if they had cubs together. (Oh that just happened XD)

After a few minutes of "abusing" Sid, they heard a loud thump sound. Causing them to turn their attention towards the direction they heard the sound coming from and saw that it was a melon.

"FOOD!" The three males yelled as they suddenly remembered why they stopped in the first place.

Walking over towards the melon, Manny picked it up. But as soon as Manny picked up the melon, a dodo came out of the bush and squawks right at Manny whilst snatching the melon off Manny and running away from the group. Looking at each other in shock, the four animals then quickly followed the dodo.

The four animals followed the dodos and saw that they made it to an area where it was full of dodos everywhere. They were spaced out it caused Sarabi to look around in shock. Sarabi also noticed that some of the dodos were marching in a line chanting 'I don't know but I've been told, end of the world is mighty cold.' Or dodos telling the others what to do. 'Protect the dodo way of life, prepare for the Ice Age.' After hearing that, Sarabi let out a sigh of annoyance whilst quietly muttering 'Anything but this, please.'

"Ice Age?" Sid questioned.

"I've heard of these crackpots." Diego said briefly looking at the group before looking back towards the dodos.

"Hey look." Sarabi said gesturing down where she spotted the melons. Causing the other males to follow her gaze and saw the dodo from earlier, putting down the melon with two other melons on a stump.

As he begins to walk away, he notices their shadows and runs away yelling "Intruders!" Sarabi rolled her eyes while mumbling "idiot" under her breath.

The dodo accidentally falls into the Tar Pit, alerting the other dodos that they have other "guest".

The four walks down as Manny asked. "Hey, can we have our melon back? Junior's hungry and uh-"

He was cut off by a dodo running forwards then jumping on the melon and said "No way this is our private stockpile for the Ice Age. Subarctic temperatures will force us underground for a million billion years."

Both the siblings looked at each other confused. Three melons obviously would not let them survive for billions of years. It's just not enough food for over 50 Dodos. Sarabi couldn't help but to think that theses Dodos are stupid for believing that they can survive for that long.

"So, you got three melons." Manny said speaking Sarabi's thoughts.

The dodos looked at the melon then glares back at the four. "If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead then doom on you!" The other dodos began to group up whilst chanting "Doom on you" over and over again.

Sarabi gets into a pouncing position as Manny gets in front of her just in case they try to make a move.

Then, the dodo that was on top of the melon, fell of due to him bobbing up and down on the round shape melon. As the melon came to a stop in front of Roshan, the dodo who was still on the ground let out a gasp and quickly stood up.

"Retrieve the melon, Tae Kwon Dodos attack!" The dodo yelled frantically.

When Sarabi heard those words, she knew that this was going to be one interesting fight, a fight for a melon.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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