Chapter Twelve

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Omg you guys seriously have made me cry! All of your comments wishing me to get better and being very understanding really touched me. 

Thank you all for being really understanding and awesome and the best readers any author can have!

Love you all so much

***EDITED: 24/06/2018***


"Quick inside!" Sarabi shouted, as the four ran inside the cave, only to get trapped inside as the entrance way was blocked with snow from top to bottom.  

"Okay, I vote shortcut." Manny said, facing inside the cave.

"I agree." Sarabi said breathlessly, as she tried to calm her fast beating heart.

"Stay close." Diego said as he started to walk ahead. "It's easy to get lost in here." 

Taking one last look at the entrance both Manny and Sarabi let out a sigh before turning around and walking to catch up with the other two.

Along the way Sid managed to get lost inside the ice caves. After a while Sid managed to find his way back to the group, his patter of feet against the ice caused Sarabi to turn her head and saw that Sid had a slight frightened expression on his face.

"Will you keep up, please??" Manny asked looking down at Sid with an annoyed expression. "It's hard enough to keep track of one baby." Manny finished.

~Le Mini Time Skip: When will Sarabi & Diego get together T ~ T ~

As the gang continued on through the cave, they all climbed over onto one of the ice slides only just to see Roshan to be sliding away, giving out a coo of excitement before waving at the others before disappearing out of sight.

Without much thought, Sarabi quickly jumped after Roshan in fear of loosing him.

'Not again.' She thought to herself as she tried to catch up to him.

"Sarabi!!" All three males yelled once they snapped out of their confusion after seeing Sarabi disappear down the hole. 

Soon after a while Sarabi caught up with Roshan and saw that he was having the time of his life sliding down the slide with a gigantic smile on his face.

It wasn't long before Sarabi soon heard the sound of the three makes screaming in fear causing a snicker to be released. Not long after when they were all together they all got separated, Manny being on his own whilst Diego, Sarabi and Sid were with Roshan.

~Sorry guys but am gonna skip a little bit forward as muh head is not agreeing with me~ 

After everything that the four animals went through to make Roshan safe made Sarabi breath heavily as she laid in a pile of snow after that exhausting ride.

When she heard the sound of laughter, she turned over and saw that the baby was laughing at Sid and Manny who both had piles of snow upon their head, which caused Sarabi to let out a giggle.

But Sarabi couldn't see Diego anywhere which caused her to panic slightly. But before she can open her mouth and question the other two males, Diego popped out of the pile of snow with an excited grin on his face.

"Yeah whoo!!!" He cheered as he popped up. "Who's up for round two!?" Diego yelled punching Manny on the shoulder.

Letting out a sigh she didn't know she was holding, when she saw the male tiger in front of her.

"T-tell the kid to be more careful." Diego quickly said once he noticed the look that he was receiving looking down embarrassed. 

Sarabi noticing this let out a giggle which made Diego look over at her  giving her a gentle smile before the four of them continued where they were going.


"She's nothing like any of the other female Saber tooth's. She unique and different from the others, it just makes her special."~Diego

"I thought we could trust you! But I was wrong, even when I knew something was fishy about you from the start! Why did you even do it?"~Sarabi

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