Little A/N's

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Hey my fabulous and wonderful readers!

I just want to first thank every single one of you for reading my Ice Age Book ^ w ^

I know that it's shit at the moment but when I come back and edit it I know that it will be better :)

Okay so as of the 17th till the 26th of November I won't be able to publish this book because the 17th is my birthday! The 18th I'm having a joined birthday with my older sister because I will be away starting on the 19th till the 26th because I'm going on a trip with some of my friends up in the Sunshine Coast!! (Australia)

That is all that I wanted to say to you guys, I hope that you are enjoying this book as much as I am writing it now that I have gotten back into writing again.

 See you guys the next time that I update which should hopefully be between today and next Thursday ^ w ^  

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